The end of “Game of Thrones“left a sinsabor among fans of the successful series based on the books of George R. R. Martin. Despite the fact that, initially, the actors defended the HBO production, some have returned to talk about the final season that caused so many dislikes.

First, Sophie Turner assured that not have planned to see the outcome of the eighth season. Now, the turn was of Emilia Clarke. the remembered the mother of dragons.

In an interview for The Sunday Timesthe british star said that he was not happy to know what would happen with his character in the end of the fiction.

I didn’t feel anything happy when I read the script. In every turn of the plot I tried not to think too much about what they were going to say the other when you issue the chapters,” be honest Emilia Clarke, who played Daenerys Targaryen in “Game of Thrones“during eight years of his artistic career.

In that same line, the popular mother of dragons always took into account the comments of the fans who could generate their on-screen actions.

Even so, Emilia Clarke believes that all the success of the series owe it to them, and the right thing would be to get a reception is mostly positive.

In the background I always had in mind that you may have the opinion followers. At the end of the day, everything we owed it to them. They were the ones that made us become a success. It seemed to Me the most correct and polite for my part,” he added about the final installment of “Game of Thrones“.


Emilia Clarke also thought about the fateful end of Daenerys Targaryen in the eighth season of “Game of Thrones“. As you recall, in the last episode, Jon decides to kill her to prevent her to follow in the footsteps of his father Aerys, nicknamed the Mad King, and start a government wracked by terror and torture.

What I really felt for her. And yes, it bothered me a lot that Jon Snow did not have to face any consequence to kill her. Went totally unpunished for that crime,” he said. “I don’t know, maybe we ended way too abruptly. Maybe we could have developed the story for several more chapters for that everything would have more sense”, he stressed.



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