Photoshoots and campaigns are a big part of a celebrity’s income. However, sometimes they become victims of unfair treatment by publication houses, who use them for publicity. Game of Thrones star Emilia Clarke (Daenerys) has filed a suit against Flaunt Magazine over inappropriate use of her ‘hot‘ photos.

According to The Blast, she participated in a photoshoot for Flaunt Magazine back in March of 2019. Clarke agreed on a one-time use in the June 2019 issue of the magazine and a single pre-approved promotional event in Shanghai. She claims she made it crystal clear to Flaunt that any other use of the photographs from the shoot was not permitted without her written approval.

Game of Thrones' Emilia Clarke sues Flaunt Magazine over unpermitted use of her photos

Clarke claims Flaunt granted a Chinese cosmetics company, Perfect Diary, rights of her images that were not Flaunt’s to grant. They wrongfully allowed Perfect Diary to commercially exploit her photographs, voice, name and likeness to promote the brand’s products. Clarke had previously turned down a $700,000 offer to work with Perfect Diary. She alleges that numerous cosmetic companies who might have otherwise done business with her were admittedly misled to believe she was already working with one of their competitors.

She and her team repeatedly demanded that Flaunt cease their behaviour. However, they “brazenly refused to curtail or remedy all of its wrongful conduct.” So she filed the lawsuit seeking compensatory and statutory damages to the tune of $5 million.

Other than that, Emilia is currently busy writing her first comic M.O.M. What do you think about the lawsuit? Tell us in the comments below!



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