This video contains several Game of Thrones Season 7 Predictions and also a few End Game Theories surrounding a few different plot lines. I want to thank my Patreon Supporters for providing these questions for me. Also, thanks for helping the channel. Comment down below with all your thoughts on these topics. Thank you!

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  1. Whaaaaat?! Now this is what I am talking about for an update before we get things started. Another great video buddy, keep up the stunning work.

    I didn't know that we were going to be getting so many of the loose ends either tied up, burned off, or cut loose. These last few episodes are going to be PACKED full of content, and I can't wait to see your coverage of the last two seasons of the main A Song Of Ice And Fire series.

    Great call on the leaks, you hit the mark EXACTLY as always, and why is that? Because unlike most of the other people covering these topics you keep your mind open and stay fluid. Great trait, make sure you hone it and stay open.

    To the fans, LIKE THESE VIDEOS. THIS IS THE REAL "FIRE" CONTENT! ! ! Share, Donate, Subscribe and LIKE these videos. He is putting out quality content for us CONSTANTLY and the least we can do, all of us the fans, is like his videos.

  2. You know, I wonder how they will finally beat the Night King- Im sure it will be at Jon's hand…but I wonder if it will involve a little help from Bran. Bran saw the flashback of how the NK was originally made- the children of the forest put something in him..what if Jon pulls it out? Would he cease to be the NK? would it automatically end all of the walkers and wights the NK made by breaking a connection?

  3. I Think GOT will end in a fantastic manner where some old theories will stand true and new theories will be introduced which in a way will leave us with an assurance that all this will happen again in some 1000s of years, when the instances of this era are forgotten and new generations forget all about white walkers, Magic, Night King and Dragons. Everything will repeat itself! The cast will be reborn and probably they will have a chance to make things happen differently. The question is will they take that chance?

  4. i think The Mad King and Joanna theory is true.Jamie now has Widows Wail,he will kill Cersei and it will be Lightbringer and he the Prince that was promised then he joins Jon beyond the will and saves the realm

  5. Tyrion is my favorite character in the show but I think he is the one who will betray Dany in the end! why because of his love for his brother Kingslayer. If it came down to it I don't think he will be able to allow his brother to be killed if he can do anything to save him and his brother is the leader of the main enemy army. At the end if the Emp had a choice to allow Dany to die or his brother I think he would let Dany die. Yes Tyrion is a good guy but he do have character flaws. Mainly because he is a Emp so notice how love to talk sharp to people even some people who don't deserve it because that's him taking out his revenge on people cause how he feel they look at him. Also we know that he loves power, he love to play the game. you see that when he was hand of the king, he was upset when he lost his position again that's him being a Emp cause it deal great for him to have control over people who otherwise would mock him. Yes he do want the world to be a better place but I also think his love of power is one of the main reason he is helping Dany take over, she already made him her hand! What do you think?

  6. Thanks for another fine vid that really makes you think! I just came off a GoT binge of all seasons and so far and I must say right now- YOU have caused me to see more in depth, to catch more small things and even have my own predictions and wishes for season 7. Hurry up Sunday…..

  7. So Ive been giving it some thought and I want to know what you think about this idea however this is a end of the series prediction not a season 7 prediction.

    I watched another video about GRRMartin's thoughts of ending it like LOTR with the bittersweet ending(not sure if you covered that video or somebody else) but it got me to thinking, what if there was an ending where the Iron Throne was destroyed and the 7 kingdoms were ruled by a counsel of 7 made to mirror the faith of the 7.

    What if the 7 seats of the counsel were each an end of the 7 pointed star.

    This means the counsel who rule would be picked based on their traits that mirror the 7.

    I was thinking with the current characters who could be 7 that head the counsil and ive come up with this list.

    1.The Father: represents divine justice, and judges the souls of the dead.
    This most likely will be Davos Seaworth. Throughout the entire series he talks about how fair Stannis was by cutting off his fingers and how it was justice. He also was the father to shireen that stannis wasnt.

    2. The Mother: represents mercy, peace, fertility, and childbirth. She is sometimes referred to as "the strength of women".
    This I feel will most likely be Danaerys but could be Gilly. Danaerys lost her chance for fertility and childbirth by showing mercy, but that gave her the chance to bring peace to essos through her dragons. Gilly is fertile, given birth to a child, and has the room to show mercy and bring peace after studying at the citadel with Sam(assuming shes given special rights).

    3. The Maiden: represents purity, innocence, love, and beauty.
    I feel this one can either be Missandei or Arya, mostly Missandei as she (in the show at least) shows all of these traits.

    4. The Crone: represents wisdom and foresight. She is represented carrying a lantern.
    Olenna Tyrell (least likely is Cersei but if cersei turns good for some odd reason, or if she pretends to be good to assemble the counsel of 7 then blows everybody up with wildfire as the series finale I could expect that)

    5. The Warrior: represents strength and courage in battle.
    This one is either Tyrion or Sam. Tyrions battle has been for survival since he was born and has fought in war and was called "The little lion" which lions are a symbol of bravery. Sam has defeated a whitewalker and a thenn and I have a feeling hes gonna defeat a dragon wight this next season all while trying to protect Gilly. Sam has unparralled courage and gains his strength from his desire to protect.

    6. The Smith: represents creation and craftsmanship.
    Obviously Gendry, both heir to the iron throne and a smith.

    7. The Stranger: The Stranger represents death and the unknown. It is rarely prayed to.
    Varys (although unlikely could be Tyrion) is the Stranger. The stranger is neither man nor woman (there are 3 men and 3 women above) just like varys. Its quite possible that varys knew everything that was going to happen all along and his motives have never been clear, theyve always been "strange". However, Tyrion is not a man or woman, he is a halfman, a dwarf, a different species in the eyes of the world.

    Tell me what you think about this theory. Thanks.

  8. the night king from the TV series is not a confirmed Stark!!!! we do not know anything about him! the night's king is confirmed a diff character!

    later there are more errors…not a good summup of theories! almost nothing of it is about to happen! (mark my words!)

  9. I really want The Night King to take Viserion as his mount, and for Euron to take Drogon, him taking Drogon and bending him to his will would be a huge shock factor for the audience AND Daenerys. Her last dragon would be Rhaegal who is probably the most overlooked dragon. She would use Rhaegal to fight Drogon and Drogon would kill Rhaegal but then come back to Dany. Then it will be Drogon vs Ice Dragon viserion.

  10. I have a theory about Euron, he's full of shit and tore the tongues from all the people who could gainsay his bullshit. Meaning his Valyrian armor is just steel, the horn is just a horn and he never had a dragon egg. He's never been to valyria etc etc. He's just a pathological douchebag and no one who could say otherwise has a tongue anymore. And before anyone says "Write it down!" Dude ripped your tongue out, would you chance your fingers? And that's assuming you're one of the twelve non maesters that could write.

  11. I sure hope you give detailed reviews of each episode of season 7. I don't have cable so I can't see the entire episodes until the DVD comes out. You make the best Videos so I'm looking forward to seeing your reviews of season 7.

    Thanks for all the great entertaining videos and theories. I love them!


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