Welcome back to Talking Thrones for another video full Game of Thrones Season 8 Theories & Predictions. These are based on some of the questions you have recently asked. What will happen with Daenerys & Samwell Tarly? How Will Game of Thrones End? What will happen with Jorah Mormont? Can Arya Stark finish her list? Who will cast Cersei down as prophesied by Maggy the Frog? What gender will Daenerys & Jon’s child be and much more! Let me know what you think about the answers. Feel free to leave your thoughts down below. Thanks for watching the video!

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  1. You've got all the angles well covered. Your re-forging of Ice–something I've longed for since reading ASOS years ago–would make a great final scene. Another would be to bookend the beginning–now grown up Stark kids assemble in Winterfell's courtyard to greet the king and queen when they visit. Another would be for survivors to say goodbye as Arya, Davos, and Gendry depart the ruined capital leading a fleet of refugees west of Westeros to a new land.

  2. Blood is blood, Sam wasn't on good terms with his father true enough. However they are still father and son, and Samwell was still trying to please his father in his own way. Since Sam doesn't know as of yet, I think the best way to handle it, would be for Sanders to talk to Sam personally and privately.

  3. Melisssndre had a conversation with Stanis’ wife back in season 4 which she talked about the religions’ potions. She talked about one that “a drop of in fire will shoot up in columns of flame” – do you think we will see the red hand / followers of the red god use this potion against the army of the dead ?

  4. Who has taken all the things Cersei holds dear? I use the word 'taken' lightly as Cersei has mostly forfeited what was hers by her own actions, at least in the show. Who 'took' Jamie? Brienne? No, she could not have had Cersei not pushed Jamie away. Who took Tomen? Margaery? No. I'd say his death was squarely on Cersei's shoulders. Who took Joffrey? Sansa? Tyrion? No. Olenna (and Littlefinger)? yes, although neither is younger or more beautiful. Arguably one could say Joffrey's time was limited by his own cruelty and Cersei's ineffectiveness. Myrcella? We don't know how she dies in the books, but her life isn't taken by someone younger or more beautiful in the TV show. 'All Cersei holds dear' is already gone (well, there is her pregnancy, which I don't think will come to term) the only thing left is power and she seems willing to hand that over via collusion with the rather treacherous Euron Greyjoy. Eventually, someone younger will take her place. It's kind of an odd prophecy that way.

  5. I think it will be really hard to keep Arya from trying to kill Jaime, once she finds out what he did to Bran, I do agree with the others. Great of you to give these questions some of your time, that's why you're the #1 Most Love Channel!

  6. Another great video I understand you can't get to all the questions. I actually just started the series from the beginning with a friend of mind and I'm going to see if I can pick up any missing pieces.

  7. It would be cool to see Jon Snow agree to take the throne, even though he doesn’t want it because Dany is gone. He flies into King’s Landing on whatever dragon may be left, and burns down the Red Keep and melts the Iron Throne.

  8. My Predictions for the End:
    Others dead and gone
    Children of the Forest dead and gone
    Wall crumbled and gone
    All 3 dragons dead and gone (but they leave a few eggs)
    Dire Wolves dead and gone
    Night's Watch disbanded as unnecessary
    Bran dead–3 Eyed Raven no longer wanted or needed
    Euron, Theon and Yara all dead
    Jamie and Brianne both dead–die fighting back to back in a big battle
    The Hound and the Mountain kill each other
    Cersei dead and gone
    Remaining Freemen/Wildings get their own kingdom and castle
    Bron gets his castle
    Sam becomes head Maester
    Jorah becomes the head of Mormont King's/Queen's Guard
    Arya sets up a branch of the House of Black & White in King's Landing, becomes new equivalen of the High Sparrow.
    Sansa becomes Queen of the North. Marries Gendry.
    Tyrion becomes King of the Lannisters. Gurantees best plumbing in Westeros. Hires all of Littlefinger's ex-working girls to Make Casterly Rock Great Again.
    Jon and Danerys break the wheel, declare all kingsoms free and sovereign, and move to Dragonstone to raise a family with Davos as the nanny and 3 dragon eggs hidden in the dungeon.
    Senator Bluto Blutarski

  9. I think the last scene should be of the Wall being dismantled, after the Night King was killed, and everyone he had created, or risen, is destroyed, which means all the White Walkers, and the Wights will be gone, so what is the use for the Wall, the last scene will show the Wall being dismantled, and the lands of Always Winter, will look more like the lands of the North especially in the spring, and it will get hotter, and the seasons will not be as long, and it will not be as harsh, out of it the kingdoms will be separated, and Kingslanding will have been destroyed, by Wild Fire, Jon Snow aka Aegon Targaryen, will become King, but it will be Harrenhal which he calls home, and the Starks will change in a sense where Sansa will marry, but she will remain a Stark, so that her line is not ended, or the son of Jon and Dany will become the Stark of Winterfell


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