

  1. I prefer Arya, simply because she takes extreme measures to ensure she doesn't become a caged bird like Sansa. Sansa lies and takes abuse because she's frightened and doesn't know how else to avoid further mistreatment except by accepting what is given to her. Arya, on the other hand, kills and lies and hides and does whatever is necessary.
    If you read the books, you'll come to like Arya a whole lot more than Sansa. Arya's a certified badass by book 4. Sansa's still just a frightened girl.

  2. You forget the fact that the one thing the Hound is afraid of/hates the most is fire and Tyrion orchestrated the whole wildfyre thing, and still demanded the Hound fight amidst all the fire. Which is why I'm pretty sure the Hound loses all kind thoughts about tryion after blackwater. I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll leave it there.

  3. Tyrion is the only Lannister he respects. He doesn't "like" Tyrion but he does think Tyrion is honorable. You can see that he likes Tyrion to a certain degree early on when Tyrion slaps Joffrey. He was warning Tyrion that Joffrey wouldn't forget. Also notice how the Hound clothed Sansa on Tyrion's command ?

  4. I'm iffy on Sansa. To me, she just happens to fit that damsel in distress archetype so well, and furthermore, she hasn't really attempted to not be the damsel in distress. I understand that she didn't really ask to be where she is and she is in over her head, but still, she never really tries to take control of her own life. Atleast the time arya was "captured" she managed to escape (although I'm sure if someone had found her true identity it wouldn't have been so easy.)

  5. He has lapses in his character later on, though. Not even he is perfect.

    Jaime later gets MUCH better. Kevan also isn't a bad guy. I'm not sure what the hell Lancel was doing in this scene, but he's more misguided than anything. Tytos, Tywin's father, was a pretty nice guy too. The Lannisters aren't bad people, it's just that Tywin decided he'd be a force not to be fucked with, and then he had incestuous twins who fucked things over even more.

  6. The Houd has sooooo much respect for Tyrion. Now that I think about it I can see the 1st sign of him losing respect for Joffrey in this scene. The Hound knows that Joffrey isn't worth protecting or dying for. He has no honor.

  7. What about the part where the Hound refuses to beat Sansa? I know they can't capture everything that's in the book, but they're missing some important character development in this show.


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