Game of Thrones All Choices
Telltale Game of Thrones All Alternative Choices
Game of Thrones Telltale Choices
This is a montage/guide of all the choices in Game of Thrones Episode 1 “Iron from Ice”.
Stay with Bowen?
Swear loyalty to Margaery?
Thief Punishment?
Sentinel Choice?
Invite Ramsey?
Game of Thrones Telltale Gameplay Playlist:-
Shoulda done a "all …" run.
I cant believe he stabbed ethan like that wtf????
what happens if you keep malcom at iron rath will he still go to save asher in episode 2?
So both ending he still kills the young lord
Hoenstly what's the point of buying the game if there are youtube videos like this?
This is the game in a nutshell.
I left Bowen fuck him I treated him like shit XD
Btw sorry if Im retarded but where the FUCK did those Whitehill men come from??? They only let Ramsey and that Whitehill dude inside, right????
I like the storytelling in the Telltale games, really well-written stuff. But having played a few of them at this point Im kinda disappointed by how little your choices actually influence the progress, cause that was always kinda part of the suspense factor, the thought of there being more than one outcome and the challenge of getting the best one, now thats more or less gone sadly.
I mean, it doesnt really take away the fact that its still as great storytelling and well-written as I said, AND its still kinda cool to be able to interact at all. But MAN is it annoying that mostly what little you're actually able to affect really doesnt matter beyond maybe choosing between smart or stupid dialogue.
I mean theres so much potential here if they'd just really take their time, the talent for writing intriguing top notch quality stuff is obviously there, we just need the effort to make it a proper GAMING experience as well. Would be SO FREAKIN cool if they'd make a game where you can truly explore the concept of cause and effect to its fullest. Oh and I understand that'd make the statistics at the end a bit problematic so yeah you might as well scratch that shit, totally not interesting either way.
Cool, I thought I made the wrong choice…turns out it really doesn't matter
Why have options?? the story stays the same regardless,was really enjoying it until I realised the outcome would remain the same regardless! shame
Wait so you cant save ethan? that is stupid
Wait, I'm confused. The game FORCES you to let Ramsey in? What would have happened if he selected 'Why? Are you cold?' at 24:51? Anybody know?
He's fucking worse in the game
It makes so little sense for Roose Bolton to send the son he's ashamed of to gather the allegiances of northern houses. It would only alienate them and weaken the Boltons.
anyone else think Ethan looks like Nathan from life is strange?
Trolololo Royland
I will see the day ramsey snow's head on a pike….i will see the day…
It's impossible to save Ethan ?!?!
so we can't save Ethan damm what a shame
omg 12.00 that troll was real ๐๐๐๐
this game defines that even if make a right choice, the game will still fuck your emotion and your mind so yeah this game make cried alot of times ๐๐๐
Wtf i cant save the lord wtf talltail games
the choice to fight against Ramsey is not presented, i don't know if wa have to do for unlock it. (i have choose Duncan as sentinel.)