Game of Thrones Episode 7 part 2 of 2 reaction!

Part 1:

Thanks for the music:

Bazanji- Bow Down

P.L- In The Zone



  1. I'd been hoping for a new reactor like you, because watching good reactors is my way of filling the gap until season 8 comes out. I love your insight and I love that you appreciate the acting because imo it's phenomenal. Please, please (!!) let your girlfriend check every comment, every single one of them. It would be a pitty if you were spoiled in any way. Some people do it intentionally, but some are just overenthusiastic and hint at things to happen in certain episodes. So please be careful.

    Just one question: I wonder how and why you stayed away from GoT for so long…?

  2. One more tip. Watch with subtitles on, inevitably there will be lines uttered quickly or softly that you may miss part of and in this game, you have to be on your toes at all times

  3. Agree with others that the background music audio needs to be lower so we can hear your thoughts. I would also recommend changing the title of each video to include the season number. This will not only allow viewers to watch in chronological order but new viewers to find it easier. Trust the fact that there are a lot of GoT fans with a lot more of time on their hands till season 8 that look for new reactors to rewatch the series with and numbering them will help. You are doing a great job, not sure if you want to take notes, others have done so and they find it helpful

  4. Welcome to the Game of Thrones world. I'm really enjoying watching your reactions. It's always fun to ride along with the newbies on this adventure. Don't worry about posting new videos everyday – that's too hectic a schedule for anyone. Get them out when you can. We'll be here.

  5. This is definitely one my my favorite episodes.

    Every season on Blu-ray has an animated "History and Lore" video. You can also find them on youtube. Each is about an hour long. You should watch after each season the History and Lore video to that season, so you will understand connections better (like why does Robert hate Targaryens and wanted Daenerys dead and stuff like that) and you learn also more about the history of this world. Obviously only watch the history&lore video to the season you just watched, to avoid spoilers. They are animated and narrated by the actors of the show. Whether you film a reaction to that or not is your choice, but you should definitely watch them after each season.

    Here for example a link for S1 (watch it after Ep10):
    You can also just google "Game of Thrones History & Lore Season 1"

  6. Great reaction. Most of the show isfilmed here in the north of Ireland and then some other locations including Iceland, Spain, Croatia, Morrocco and Malta i think, and maybe some other locations too.

  7. I love that you love the show so much from the beginning.  It's such a fantastic show in every way. It's a wild, emotional journey.  I think you'll love the exciting ride if …. it doesn't kill you.

  8. I hate to seem like a complainer, because I really am not, but one of my favorite things about reaction videos (besides the reaction itself) is the reviews before & after. I could hardly hear you in your after review because of the music. Could you turn it down a little? It was too distracting. Other than that, great reaction! 😊

  9. Warning – because of the trolls out here, you need to make sure your girlfriend reads all the comments so you don't get any spoilers.

    My son and I have done videos for years on this epic – won't mention the name because i am not commenting to get views (not under my name), and you need to absolutely stay away from those videos on youtube. i'm saying it because i am 60 years old, and a literature and theater major and it takes effort to get my energy up to make the theater and literary analysis. This is the best epic I have ever ever read and certainly ever seen on screen, albeit the streamlining, out of necessity (there are literally thousands of characters in the books).

    all I want to say is stay away from spoilers, and I PROMISE you that it gets better and better. It is beautiful, deep and rich. Keep going!!! (read the books too!) love from the southeastern US (and yeah, turn the music down at the end – we want to hear your thoughts on it without distraction!)

    The Dothraki language was actually created by a linguist hired by the producers. the author had created a bit, but now it's a real language. fascinating.

    Last thing – you are brilliantly ferreting out what is happening. keep listening intently to all the dialogue. don't talk over it – you've been very good at this. listen carefully…. you might hear those lines again later in another context. GOOD JOB and KUDOS!

  10. Your as sharp as one of the swords on the iron throne! You pick up quickly on small details. Stay sharp, as this show doesn't have too many filler scenes or episodes. Even what might seem like small dialogue usually will mean something later on. Good your enjoying it! and it gets better and better, if you can believe it! Keep up the good work, bruh!

  11. Very much liked your end of episode commentary, speculation, predictions, etc., but I would suggest you lower the volume of the background music. It was louder than you and made it hard to follow what you were saying at times (at least on my computer).

  12. I like how you appreciate the production values of the show and the subtle narrative aspects (subtle, GoT- HA!). That attention to plot and character pays off. I think your channel is going to grow quickly. Get a moderator for comments. Your reactions are too good to be spoiled.


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