Game Of Thrones – Every Single Death on the show Mega Cut – (Season 1- Season 7). If I miss anyone Please let me know in the comments. Sorry Janos Slynt’s death is not in the video, It all got messy in the end. It had included him, don’t knowwhat happened to the final render, including night’s watch.
Valar Dohaeris
You forgot Yanos Slynt death in S5 and some Nights Watchs deaths in S7 by the Wight Dragon…Just for to remind you..
why is Bronn still alive? because the fandom loves him……………………..fuck offfff
the way Sansa & Arya react to seeing someone die shows their personalities. One is reviled, the other is fascinated
I'm so offended by the dire-wolf execution, it's just not acceptable that a wild animal is killed while only 100 + humans are themselves executed.
talk about using your time productively