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This channel was created to inform those who want to know the truth about the undercurrents controlling our society. Sometimes, what we find is no always pretty, but in the truth, there is hope. And, one thing you can be sure about is that this will be a collective journey, amongst each other, to expose the enemy and find the truth.

Book of Enoch | BCE dated ancient scroll found with complete Old Testament Hebrew bible at the Dead Sea caves in 1947.

1.I beheld another splendour, and the stars of heaven. Splendour produced splendour; and their conversion was into the number of the angels, and of the faithful. They are names of the righteous who dwell upon earth, and who believe in the name of the Lord of spirits for ever and for ever.

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  1. How could you watch this?? How can your subscribers watch this ? How can you not address the pornography? Who cares about all the meanings. How could you watch this ??

  2. My thoughts if I may please share…Game of Thrones…there are two Thrones…One belongs to our Father Yahweh Elohim and the other Throne belongs to Satan himself!! One of the Titles in an episode is called Winter is Coming! Our Messiah says in Matthew Chapter 24, pray your flight isn't on the Sabbath or in winter…when those thoughts came to me, it blew my mind!!! Winter has come and it's here!! Please forgive me if I didn't word it right. I suffer from memory impairment…💗💚💖💓

  3. 7 pointed star to many witches is a fairy star and often is a refrence to the 7 original lumonaries/planets and 7 days. The cross and the X tend to be a refrence to time frames, 4 cross quarters to the wheel of the year and points refer to seasons and fixed elements. The nail…. a specific point in time.

  4. Hey Casey – did you know Peter (Petros= little rock) was crucified upside down? He asked for it that way, to show our wonderful saviour comes into our (duality of spirit) hearts to turn the bad half up (for HE is THE SNARE = offence, see strongs) right way so “the twain become one new man” as per the scripture. As always thanks brother, for shedding light on that dark – Peace love blessings & grace be to you and ALL

  5. we are connected man. i just started to watch again game of thrones from the 1st season and when i heard this about the giant and that we live in his eye instantly you came into my mind and now you postin and video about it. i just finished the 1st and im goin to the second, i watching it because i like it of course and cause i wanted to check the hidden messages that are in all this movies/series etc now that i can. take care mate cheerios!!

  6. Casey, this is an update of a decode you already did isn't it, not criticizing, just so I know I'm not losing it, lol.
    Sadly, it's not the kind of support we as Chrsitians should have for the real Israel, the
    "root" of Christ. Kushner, Trump etc. is part of ZIONIST Israel, Big difference, these are the Rothschild, BANKSTERS, luciferian to the core, child sacrificing, child trafficking, cannibals, KABAL, Talmud reading spell casting, Baal worshipping monsters that rule our matrix. Don't be fooled into supporting Zionist Israel or Zionism in any form, it's as bad as Nazism. Don't be deceived by Zionism I beg you. Great decode, I don't watch GOT, but you're right on as usual thanks for what you do for your little flock, we appreciate all you do. I wish you would do a decode of Zionism, what it is, where it came from, etc. Too many Christians especially here in America think we have to suppor every single thing Isreal does to the point of war, this is untrue, this is not what Jesus meant in supporting his peope. Don't be duped into supporting Zionism, it's rotten to the core. I love the Jewish people, the tribes of Israel, the Rothschilds were NOT one of these tribes. It's not anti-semetic to refuse Zionism and Kushner is all wrapped up in Zionism and Trump's daughter converted . Orthodox Judaism is so highly suspect, the Talmud is a a black magic manual. Tex Marrs has done so much Godly work on this, his last book Holy Serpent of the Jews is banned by Amazon for telling the truth, we know how that feels. Some of it is hard to hear, but so it is with the truth. Peace, love and light. P.S. it's SO easy to decalcify the pineal, one easy way is getting out in the sunlight every day, not drinking flouridated water, no GMO foods, etc. and OF COURSE Jesus will cleanse it when you are saved.

  7. I love this show. Oh well, I must be going to hell because I saw a naked lady. Some people need to get over their selves and stop judging others. As if any mortal has the judiciary and authoritative means to tell me if I'm going to hell or not … let alone not knowing where my heart truly lays.

  8. Casey,,have you ever heard of the "stone of scone"?..otherwise known as the "stone of destiny"?…also have you read the "Scottish declaration of independence"? The nobility in Scotland make a claim in this document claiming a genetic lineage back to Israel.

  9. So are you saying the people who do not believe in jesus, or work with spirits will get crucified? Oh man. I do not know if jesus existed or not, I wasn't there, there is a spirit of jesus as far as I know in the spirit realm, but so are other spirits. Get your shit together, it's sad that game of thrones has bought you off. But still the way you explain it, with a calm voice, is very good. So respect my friend.


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