When you’ve worked at a place for a really long time, you share some of the fondest memories with your colleagues. Game of Thrones’ cast and crew were one big family. Andrew McClay, one of the notable extras, shared one of his fond memories of actor Liam Cunningham (Davos Seaworth).

McClay told the Irish Mirror, “I used to have some craic with Liam Cunningham! I remember saying to him, ‘You’re like my Da, Liam. You look grumpy but you love a joke!’ He instantly replied by saying, ‘what the fuck do you mean I look grumpy? “ and I said ‘well you’re grumpy now, aren’t’ you?’ and he just burst out laughing.”

Game of Thrones Extra once called actor Liam Cunningham Grumpy

“For the end of Game of Thrones Season 8, the extras department put on a talent show and all the extras had to be in it. I was trying to get Liam to do it. He was like ‘what do you want me to do?’ I was taking the piss and trying to get him to do a dramatic monologue. Liam’s great company to be around.”

He recalled, “There was another scene at the Winterfell long hall with Kit, Liam, Kristofer Hivju and a few others. The main actors would be fully trusted to take personal cameras on the set to take a few photos and Liam brought in a lovely camera to document the filming of Season 8 and his time of the show.”

“It was the first time I ever saw him with it and I just shout, ‘how much do you think Watchers On the Wall will give you for them, Liam?’ Are you trying to sell them to The Mirror or something?!?!’ and the whole room just erupted. He was just shaking his head laughing.”

Which of these incidents do you find the most hilarious? Tell us in the comments below!



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