As part of Geek Week we have come up with a Game of Thrones Family Tree theory which will literally blow your mind! Watch the video featuring self confessed GOT geek Ian Roe and let us know what you think of it…

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  1. Dany was the Ray and leana, john is the son of Brandon stark and some other woman with red hair.. Cant remember her name. When Ned and Howland Reed went to the tower of joy he took dany to the johns mum and switched them, johns mum then smuggled her away to essos and killed herself for some reason. Also wyla was real.

  2. +Ragd0ll But in the books, every Targaryen not born in a pure Valyrian bloodline didn't inherit the bleach blonde hair and purple eyes. The Targaryens wanted to keep pure Valyrian blood on the Iron Throne, so they got a bit incestuous. There's also the fact (SPOILERS if you don't read the books) that when Lyanna is on her deathbed, she makes Ned promise her something. Could it possibly be the safety of her son, who Robert would have probably personally killed if he found out about Jon's heritage? And Ned's just too honorable of a man to go whoring around (in my opnion).

  3. YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS THIS THEORY IS WHAT I LIVE FOR. I DON'T WANT JON TO BE THE SONG OF ICE AND FIRE BUT WHATEVER. OH OH OH and also! in dany's flashback rhaegar says something about the song of ice and fire and how the dragon has three heads and that there needs to be another child when his son aegon is born. KLOOOOOOOOOOO 😮 and I think the books are hinting that catelyn's resurrected version is a creature of the darkness. gosh I hope not.

  4. Do a video about the Night's King who was also a Brandon Stark and one of the earliest Lord Commanders of the Night's Watch and he ended up marrying a female White Walker. There's a theory that he is indeed the first Brandon Stark and his children all have First men/White walker blood in them hence the Starks, being Kings of the North have a strange affinity to the North. Starks are described as having "icy eyes" and they have mysterious powers like Warging. When Winter comes, Starks rule.

  5. lol it theory that makes no sense. its talk of just primitive whores and villagers lol. as i said you need to analyze books again lol and not believe in everything that characters say. do you really believe martin and ned stark would make big fucking secret out of parentage, if his mother was some fucking fisherman girl. that makes no fucking sense and point at all. lol. martin wants to misguide non attentional readers like you lol. martin asked creators question about jons mother in 2009

  6. i'll even say dance with dragons part 1 page 152 half a page down "At the dawn of robert's rebellion.The mad king had sent to the eyrie for stark's head . but jon arryn sent him back defiance.Gulltown stayed loyal to the throne , though . To get home and call his banners , stark had to cross the mountains to the fingers n find a fisherman to carry his across the bite. A storm caught them on the way. The fisherman drowned , but his daughter got stark to the sisters before the boat went down ,

  7. If you've read the books, you'd know that Jon Snow looks a lot like Eddard Stark and Arya looks like Lyanna (in other words, Jon and Arya both have Stark features) but Robb, Sansa, Bran and Rickon are supposed to resemble the Tullys (like their mother). So following the book, it is entirely possible for Jon to be the son of Lyanna and Rhaegar.

  8. Dunno how the genetics would work out but I thought those with Targaryen blood had bleach blonde hair?
    Besides, Jon Snow has black hair characteristic of House Barartheon. He could be the result of premarital babymaking between Lyanna and Robert.


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