Even in a world defined by death and suffering, few characters on Game of Thrones have experienced as many horrors as Arya Stark has. Fewer still have found themselves without a home and away from their family for as long as she was. That’s why this fan-made tribute video, “The Wolf Girl,” is an emotional journey that both celebrates her perseverance and honors the happy life that was stolen from her.

From her start as a small child at Winterfell to her family’s fatal stay in King’s Landing, across the war-torn countryside of Westeros with the Hound, to her training at the House of Black and White in Braavos, to her triumphant and vengeful return to the Seven Kingdoms, it’s remarkable just how much Arya has gone through.

Yes, obviously I cried throughout that whole thing. Right from the get-go, too. I can’t see Ned Stark with one of his children and not lose it, but her time with the Hound kills me too. I’m not surprised I reacted this way either, because this video was put together by the YouTube channel The Garo Studios, which is where we have found some our favorite homages to the denizens of the Realm. And this one for Arya is one of the best yet, because it reminds us of just how powerful her story has been. She was so little and innocent when it started, but she had so much pain and loss in front of her.

At least she’s home now with her siblings. Winter is here, and no matter how much the Wolf Girl survived on her own, she’s safer being a part of the pack. What part of Arya’s journey did you enjoy the most? Travel into our comments below to let us know.

Images: HBO



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