Tywin Lannister still can’t believe he went out the way he did (Picture: HBO)

Game of Thrones fever is bubbling away nicely ahead of the projected arrival next year of season eight, with fans eager to find out which characters will make it through to the end of the show.

Speculation is rife about who is likely to meet their end in the final season of the HBO smash hit.

And there’s one pretty compelling fan theory doing the rounds at the moment about the manner in which any number of the show’s key characters could meet their fate in season eight.

Game of Thrones spoilers follow…

Watch your back, guys (Picture: HBO)

Reddit user Laser-circus has predicted that Game of Thrones’ long-favoured trend of subjecting some of its key characters to ironic deaths will continue into season eight.

Citing the previous examples of the likes of Tywin (who dedicated his life to upholding the Lannister family name only to be murdered by his son, Tyrion), Ramsay (eaten alive by the dogs he trained to kill) and Olenna (who met the same fate as Joffrey, who she poisoned), Laser-circus has theorised that a selection of the show’s big-name survivors could meet their very own ironic end in the near future.

Here’s a few of their predictions for how season eight might continue this sardonic trend:

  • Cersei’s prophecy will be fulfilled, and she’ll be killed by Jaime.
  • Melisandre [who once said: ‘Death by fire is the purest death’] will die by being burned alive.
  • Brienne will die protecting someone – likely a Stark – in order to keep her oath to Catelyn Stark, which was made all the way back in season two.
Brienne loves that oath – so much so that she could die protecting it? (Picture: HBO)

Sound plausible?

Of course we won’t know how it will actually pan out until next year’s big season premiere – but, given Game of Thrones’ grisly track record, there are surely going to be plenty of deaths, ironic or not.

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