June 26th marked five years since one of the most epic episodes of Game of Thrones aired on HBO. The season six finale, “The Winds of Winter,” saw Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey) taking revenge on all those who had wronged her, blowing up the Sept of Baelor. It was an iconic scene that featured the deaths of many longstanding characters in the series. In honor of the episode’s anniversary, many people have taken to Twitter to praise Cersei and share their love for “The Winds of Winter.”

Before checking out some of the fan tweets, here’s what Headey recently had to say about the season six finale moment in which her character basically waterboards Septa Unella (Hannah Waddingham) with wine. Waddingham recently shared with Collider that filming that scene was, “other than childbirth, it was the worst day of my life.”

“She had a really sh*t time doing that scene,” Headey shared, unaware Waddingham had recently spoken out about the scene. “I adore Hannah, she’s one of my favorite humans.” Headey said they were trying to make the moment “authentic,” but admitted it was a “really, really tough day.” She added, “People have different limits … People will go to different places. And some people will be like, ‘I don’t want to f*cking put myself in that position.’ I totally respect whatever your boundaries are, but Hannah was a trooper. That was a long day of prune juice in your face.”

You can check out some of “The Winds of Winter” celebration tweets below…

Lena Was Robbed


Say It Louder


In Conclusion




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