Fandom can be harsh. In the wake of the Game of Thrones series finale, a lot of fans made their displeasure known, most notably through a petition to remake the final season that as of this writing has well over a million signatures. Now, I don’t think many people who signed that petition actually think a remake is possible — it’s just people expressing their frustration — but it gives you an idea of the level of anger out there, anger that can get ugly if you look in the wrong place.

I will give credit to the people who had a plane fly over Seattle trailing a message urging anyone who looked up to remake season 8. That’s pretty funny.

Fandom can be wonderful. One dissatisfied fan, u/elle_ellaria of Reddit, channeled that anger into something positive by going to fundraising platform and creating a way fans and others could donate to Emilia Clarke’s SameYou charity, which helps people recover from brain injury and stroke.

Elle_ellaria wrote about the charity on the r/freefolk subreddit, which in general has not been satisfied with the final season of the show. Now, not even a week later, the effort has raised in excess of £25,000 ($31,782.55) courtesy of over a thousand supporters, and it’s climbing.

Maybe you loved the final season of Game of Thrones. Maybe you hated it. However you feel, I think we can all agree that this is a worthy cause, so kudos to everyone involved. You can donate here.

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