Let’s talk about the Game of Thrones finale!


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  1. I'm grumpy that this entire season no one told Jon that his sister Arya is back in Winterfell. I knew we weren't going to get a reunion for those two but I've been waiting for them to see each other again for so long…

  2. Rawrist, thank you! That whole Jon being named Aegon really bugged me for the same reason!!!!! And what was up with Tyrion standing outside the door? I'm not sure if he's in love with Dany (I just can't see it) and why did they have to be related? Jon and Dany's love story would have been fine on Its own without the writers making it creep! And does anyone think that Euron is really terrified about the white walkers? And I really hope Cersie dies, I can see her having a miscarriage. Will Jon and Dany stay together after they find out they're related?

  3. Jon's real name is Jaehaerys Targaryen.
    Also, Jaime will kill Cersei when he finds out the baby is Euron's. That babe will never be born. The prophecy says 3 kids. No more!
    Mr Reed is not out of the show. Just because Bran says he is the one who knows. He also thought Jon was a sand and Sam had to correct/update him.
    Finally, Tyrion is not in love with Dany. The reason he looked the way he did is because he is worried about the implications and consequences this hook up can have.

  4. Lots of people keep saying you are 40? Insane to me, you don't look over 30, I would personally guess 28 or so at most. Aside that I was thinking, what if Danny giving birth to Jon's baby, dies in child birth and Jon is left to raise is baby and because he has the best claim to the Iron throne he ends up on it? All that loss and bitter sweet of raising a child without one of the parents. That to me would be akin to Ned, dealing with never being able to tell Jon about himself and his real parents. Also Dannys dragon, would he pass to Jon, or the baby? I think we can all agree she has to be preggers after that amazing incestuous sexy time. #OMG whattabutt

  5. We now know that the look Tyrion gave at the end was not because he's in love with Dany, as Peter Dinkagle said in a BTS video is about the fact that he feels that this union can go very wrong as unions for love tend to do … so he is just worried about what it could mean for them.

  6. no tyrion won't betray danny he wishes he had a family that loved him instead he onlyhad jamie, and now danny so you can see Jorah and Tyrion being jealous of jon human nature

  7. Bran is not omni present, he needs a subject to look into, unless he already knows people the people he is looking into . example, you, he wouldnt know your browser history because he doesnt not who you are or never heard of you. How I understand his power…

  8. Rhaegar and both of his Children with Elia were died by the time Jon was born. And Rhaegar wanted his successor to be named Aegon is the only reasoning I can think of.


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