In today’s video I wanted to talk about this pattern that seems to predict the fate of major characters in a Game of Thrones. I was recently emailed this formula that shows how almost all major characters end games were foreshadowed by how they typically dealt out their own justice. It’s definitely a very interesting list thus far and if it’s right we may be able to predict how other character’s stories will come to an end. Give it a look or listen and let me know what you think about it. Also if you have any other examples I did not mention put it in the comments too. Don’t forget to enter the new giveaway by clicking the link down below. Thanks for watching the Video!

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Game of Thrones Formula



  1. Waking the Dragon from stone

    Death and life Symbola of ice and fire

    Stone dragon eggs > living dragons

    Jon was stone dead and a true dragon he came back by fire melisandre

    Her child viserion and night king will kill daenerys and get stabbed by a ice spear in the heart as he is Azor Ahai

    Daenerys body will be stone dead only a true dragon can wake her up with magic and fire

    Daenerys dead body will be Taking to ceresi she will cut her hair

    And ceresi think she was won and then bang Jamie jon jorah hound tyrion show up on rheagal > he Destroys the throne to get daenerys body back

    The fire for love 3rd she come back but this time is with her child

    The end > season 8

  2. Sansa will die by Jons hands as his nissa nissa for to save the world from the NK…as Lady dies[she caused Ladys death in S1]by Neds hands for to save Arya and Nymeria from the Lannisters..Sansas symbolic animal is the Dove[as she described as a little dove] and the Dove in some cultures is also symbol of sacrifice..because the Dove is symbol of innocence..I cant wait to see Sansa dying with this symbolic for her character and her story ..death ..Sansas bloody death will pay for Dannys life

  3. The foreshadowing in the series have been huge, but not sure about the part you mention about Jamie beeing killed by a sword in the back. Like all the mentioned kills and deaths of the responsible people in simular ways, here we have seen the killing and the death. As it comes to Jamie killing the mad king it is only spoken about in the series(unless i have missed out). I can't recall that we have actually seen him killing the mad king by stabing him in the back, only a lot of talking about it. So that leaves the question if this formula will apply to this action by Jamie?

  4. The seirrio teacher of Arya killed in season 1 on 1 hand at the same time faceless men appear few days later alongwith folk travelling north (Arya was also there) might be the seirrio was the faceless men hired by Ned stark to teach Arya and to protect their family in King's landing

  5. Viserion as a Her child could be a part death of daenerys and life too

    Gold poured over Viserys head / gold lion > ceresi will cut daenerys hair off

    Viserion Vs drogon Drogon will kill his brother

    Daenerys Stabbed in the heart then is brought back again kiss of life following the promise one

    Daenerys will sacrifice drogon suffocation and fire < wildlife as he will be poisoning by a arrow like drogo

  6. i want you to make a video about the Sansa nissa nissa theory..Sansa fit the bill for the sacrifice and Ladys death/sacrifice by Ned[Jon sometimes compared with Ned] already has foreshadows that[its a mirror of how she will die]+ she in the books has dreams of her death with a big sword stabbed on her back and her eyes turned white..that says a lot of that she will fullfill the nissa nissa prophesy..Also Jon has dreams that he kills a red head girl[with long thick hairs] and pulls out from her chest a fiery sword..Sansa has red long thick hairs..That is an nice indication for my Sansa nissa nissa theory and make a lot of sense..even more sense than Danny nissa nissa..dont you think? its more satisfying and fitting end for her character and her arc..isnt?

  7. I dont think this is necessarily foreshadowing in the scene that they do this to hint at a death. I think its more than its just an effective way to write a series, having it all come full circle and someone is killed by their own method or thing they thought was theres? If that makes sense

  8. Cersie always mention that her family pay there debts. So it is safe to say every legit (forgive me for my spelling) lanecsiter is going to pay there crimes with there lives in court. Terion got in court 2× therefore I don't see Terion would go to court in the accused term but rather in the witness term. My guess would be Jaime jumping to dany just to protect her. Then he gets stabbed in the back by an incoming javelin from the night king. Brian would carry his crippled body as he bleeds out then dies

  9. I know it doesn't entirely apply, but what about Varys? It seems to me that there is some foreshadowing of him somehow dying by fire, possibly dragon fire. I know Daenerys threatens that at least once (if he betrays her, which he may …. I don't know).

  10. Well, lets see. Khal Drogo killed many people including his brother in law, Viserys Targaryen, but Khal Drogo's long dead. However, Jon Snow has killed Daenerys' memory of him.
    Jon Snow, Ser Beric Dondarrion, Ser Jorah Mormont, the Dothraki and the Unsullied will all be killed fighting the Night King who has come back from his frozen palace to protect the Children of the Forest from the Wights and from men.
    The survivors will all be burned to death by Daenerys' dragons, Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion because the latter, who was captured by the Night King, won't be able to kill his Mother, Daenerys and will sacrifice himself along with the Night King, etc.
    Daenerys will survive to wander in between the worlds of magic and reality.
    Daario will wander around looking for but never find her.
    Jaime will marry Brienne of Tarth and take her back to Casterly Rock.
    Cersei killed more people with fire than anything, and so Sansa will kill Cersei with fire because she is not only a Valonqar to Jon and Robb, but she is also sort of an 'adoptive' or 'honorary' Valonqar to Cersei.
    Sansa will also be the younger, more beautiful queen who replaces Cersei on the Iron Throne. She will marry Gendry because she'll need a Baratheon on the throne as well.
    Little Jon Arryn will die by falling out of the Moon door.
    Tyrion and Bronn will both die of syphilis.
    Davos ends up as the Hand of the Queen.
    Bran Stark marries Meera and takes over Winterfell, the Weirwood tree network, and the Citadel with Samwell Tarly as the Arch Maester and Jaqen H'ghar as his 'no one' assistant. They re-build the Wall, lock up the Children of the Forest, and take over the Iron Bank of Braavos, etc.
    Arya will become the leader of the Brotherhood Without Banners and marry the Hound after he kills the Mountain by burning him alive in the Clegane Bowl.
    Varys and Melisandre will have their throats cut by Arya.
    Tormund Giantsbane has to either be killed by a Bear or by Brienne who earlier had to fight a bear herself.
    Grey Worm will have to either kill or be killed by Missandei who turns out to be a spy for Cersei.
    Victarion Greyjoy will kill Euron while he is trying to kill Theon and Yara. Only one will survive this family feud, and I think it'll be Theon so that the Greyjoy house will soon die off and go the way of House Bolton.
    The Sand snakes of Dorne seem to be pretty dead when the dust settles, and House Tyrell has been wiped out already.

  11. Fire might be the only thing that can destroy/kill The Mountain in his present state. It would be a nice story arc for The Hound to overcome his fear of fire & use it to take out his brother if Cleganebowl happens.
    People meeting their end in a "poetic justice" sort of way could look like a pattern. Good observation & interesting theory but it's only applicable after the fact unfortunately. So we won't know until the end.

  12. Arya could be killed by a faceless man!
    Daenerys could be killed by the Ice Dragon (blue fire)!!!
    Jamie could be killed by a sord in his back from a King (night king)!!!
    Mellisandre could be killed by fire in a stick!!!

    This theory is amazing and make all sence…


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