HBO has four new Game of Thrones spin offs in the works. What could we see after Season 8 finishes? Robert’s Rebbelion? Aegon’s Conquest? Dance of the Dragons? Tales of Dunk and Egg? Or maybe something else! It is time to specualte.

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  1. Sorry guys I know this was not my best video. I have been concentrating on improving my audio quality so I have not been uploading much. I feel I rushed this video and I didn't get to test out my better sound. Hopefully I will be back up on Monday with better audio and videos for you guys. Thanks for all the support

  2. I'd like to see one entitled "Ironborn" or something like that, with Victarion as the POV character from which the story is told. The Reaver chapter in AFFC is something is love to see on screen.

    "The Horn Of Winter" would be another. The story of Azor Ahai, The complete history of the war between the Whitewalkers, The Nightswatch and the Wildlings. Characters such as Varamyr, Joramun, Bran The Builder, etc… Including the long night, and the construction of The Wall all the way up to Jon's arrival.

    These are 2 of the stories I wanna hear. I trust the writers, GRRM, and HBO will get it right. I'm just glad it's not over.

  3. I personally would like to see one of Aegon's Conquest, beginning in Valyria, leading to the girl (forgot her name) warning them about her vision, the episode would then end from them riding to King's Landing and such. Main reason being that I would love to see the flourished Valyrian society, very interesting.

  4. I'd like to see the Dunk and Egg stories, but they'd really work best as little 2(-ish) hour movies… which they could totally do.

    A series based on Aegon's conquest? I'm not sure that would work. I mean you could fill a 10 episode season with it, but then what? There's no question of "Will he complete his conquest or not?" We already know he will… and he won't have much trouble doing so. There's not much story there. A few great and huge scenes, but it's mostly just total pwnage. That gets old real quick.

    IF they did a brief prologue about Aegon's conquest as the opener to a story about Robert's Rebellion, to sort of set the stage and then (after about 10 or 15 minutes) cut to 300 years later, that could work. Still, I don't think it could fill more than a season or two. And again… we already know exactly where it's going.

    The Dance of Dragons, once again there would be a lot of eye-candy scenes. BUT… there's really no protagonist in that story. There's just a shitload of antagonists turning others into antagonists.

    How about like pre-history? The story of the first Long Night. The war with the White Walkers. The building of the Wall and the formation of the Night's Watch. That's a story we don't really know yet (apart from a few details based in folklore), which could lend itself to things like suspense and surprises. Ya know? Those things that people like to have in their TV shows.

  5. Explain "you're not going to pretend you know who these writers are, but the films they've been attached to are pretty good so." How the fuck do you know the films, and not know who wrote them? What films? Tell me the films and i'll go look up who the writers are if you're too lazy to.

  6. If they're going to do the tales of Dunk and Egg I hope they wait a bit. It's been rumored that the A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms book series could be up to 12 or 13 books long. We've only got the first 3 books so far. It'd be nice if we can get a few more books first so the HBO series doesn't end up turning into a shit show like GoT.

  7. The Dance of the Dragons and Aegons Conquest would be epic, but the CGI Dragons would cost waaay too much. If those stories were ever put on screen, i think they'd be more likely to be made as movies.
    Robert's Rebellion however would be ideal for a series, and Dunc and Egg might lend itself better for a miniseries(given the relative shortness of each book).

  8. Aegons Conquest, Nymeria's Conquest, Long Night 1.0, Roberts Rebellion/Greyjoy Rebellion. But maybe RR is a little bit redundant, since we have Bran and thus we can already see most parts of it.

  9. D&D won't do these spin-offs. You know why? Because they got tired from GOT. They finish/destroy plots that exist in the books and just focus on the White Walker thread because they don't want to do this forever. I mean, they are even doing less episodes in the last seasons.


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