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  1. One thing that I think, it's not really a theory is that Grumpkins and Snarks are Dwarves and Elves respectively. Grumpkins just sound like grump mountain Dwarves, and Elves are snarky. They probably lived in the North with the little wood elves (children) before the WW wiped them out. I hold out hope that there is an undisturbed Grumpkin kingdom where Tyrion will be King someday.

  2. I've heard the 'Varys is a woman' theory before but don't understand what significance it would bring, unless of course she ends up being someone we know from history like Ashara (for DeMachinaMundi).

    I also don't buy the "evidence". If Varys were a woman she wouldn't have to shave her head, she'd simply need a masculine 'do (see Arya in S2). Also Varys intentionally conveys the feminine image, in my opinion to influence others to underestimate him as a threat.

    After all, we know Varys is perfectly capable of being a man's man, as we see in the books with Ned in the black cells or with Tyrion as Varys takes him to Shae's mance – in both scenarios the characters were utterly convinced Varys was a man and not a feminine, flowery, powdered eunuch.

    Tyrion's case is a little different than Ned's in that Tyrion already knew it was Varys (if memory serves), but still Tyrion is astonished at not only Varys' change in physicality and voice, but also his complete change in demeanor/psyche. When Ned sees Varys as Rugen , he is completely taken aback upon learning it's Varys and has to take a moment to work it out.

    If Varys is that capable of playing a convincing _"man"_, then it wouldn't be a problem for him to use a manly identity all the time – so there's a reason he doesn't. As I said before I think it's his way of making others underestimate him as a threat…

  3. Dany as Quaithe is actually really good and totally explains Quaithe's interest in Dany, her mysterious aura, and her foreknowledge. Only a person who intimately knows Dany can confidently say "Remember who you are".

  4. Hey Gil and Itamar I wanna share my crazy ass theory, and if you decide to comment it on the next video, well that's gonna make my day… and week 🙂 . Here it goes: Melisandre is Ygritte from days of future past. Stay with me here. Ygritte dies in Jon Sow's arms and he berries her. A time traveling red priest who is trying to get a closer look at the white walkers, I guess, takes pity on her. He dig up her body brings her to life and takes her back to his time – hundreds if not thousands on years back into the past. When Melisandre (Ygritte) returns to the wall with Stannis she is still fond of Jon Snow but there is an ocean on time passed between them. Think about it Melisandre hair is red, just like Ygritte, and she said "You know nothing Jon Snow" mind-blowing the fuck she knows that.


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