Daenerys went mad this week – but has Game of Thrones lost the plot alongside her? That was the question many viewers will have asked after an action-packed yet confusing and often logic-defying penultimate episode of the HBO fantasy blockbuster.

As was in hindsight inevitable, the Mother of Dragons conquered King’s Landing with minimum fuss and maximum devastation.

Yet, in keeping with the series’s descent into bumbling spectacle, the showdown between Daenerys and the Lannisters found a way to be horribly complicated, to say nothing of raising more imponderables than it answered.

Here are a few.

1: Why didn’t Euron’s Scorpions work?

Last week it took just three shots from sweary space-pirate Euron Greyjoy and, boom, down went Rhaegal the dragon. Yet at King’s Landing all the Scorpion crossbows in Westeros could not trouble Daenerys and Drogon as they flew from out of the sun and scorched all before them. Why was former deadshot Euron so easily blindsided? And what would Daenerys have done had the weather been overcast and there was no sun from which to dive?

2: How did Jaime get through the Northern lines and into the city?

The Kingslayer was captured trying to sneak into King’s Landing, where for reasons that made absolutely no sense given recent events in his life – Brienne – he was determined to reunite with Cersei.

Yet, having bagged a top Lannister, the Unsullied thought nothing of leaving him alone with his brother Tyrion (who commanded them to abandon their posts – nothing iffy going on there).

Jaime, once freed, was able to effortlessly make his way into the city. How? There was no downside for Tyrion either. Daenerys had warned that if he failed her again he was toast (literally). Yet, despite being the one who originally delivered the news of Jaime’s apprehension, Daenerys seemed unconcerned that Tyrion had set free this potentially invaluable hostage.

3: Had Euron really dreamed of killing Jaime all along?

As anyone who remembers the siege of Pyke will attest, the Lannisters and the Greyjoys have a complicated history (well not that complicated – Jaime helped violently crush a Greyjoy rebellion decades ago).



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