Game of Thrones Animated Histories – Season 4 Complete – English Subtitles – Westeros Tarihi – 4. Sezon – Türkçe Altyazılı.

Detailed videos are in the description…

00:00 House Martell – Oberyn Martell
04:00 House Baelish – Petyr Baelish
08:05 Dragons – Grand Master Pycelle
11:53 Poisons – Oberyn Martell
15:37 The Bastards of Westeros – Ellaria Sand
17:51 The Iron Bank of Westeros – Tycho Nestoris
20:22 Sellswords – Bronn
23:05 Robert’s Rebellion – Oberyn Martell
27:52 The Wall – Samwell Tarly
31:59 The Nations of the North – Tormund Giantsbane
36:08 The Kingsguard – Jaime Lannister
39:51 The Maester’s Chain – Qyburn
42:25 The Death of Kings – Varys
45:32 Valyrian Steel – Jorah Mormont
48:40 Justice of the Seven Kingdoms – Bronn
51:45 The Kingsguard – Bronn



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