Game Of Thrones History & Lore Greyscale. Greyscale is a disease that can leave flesh stiff and dead, and the skin cracked and flaking, mottled black and grey and stone-like to the touch. Greyscale is one of the many virulent diseases common in Sothoryos. Cold, damp climates like the Iron Islands and Dragonstone are also prone to the disease, and it is a danger for those traveling down the Rhoyne through the Sorrows.
Greyscale generally affects children, especially in cold damp climates. The afflicted flesh stiffens, calcifies, and cracks. The victims are disfigured, but also rendered immune to the rarer fatal form known as grey plague. The free folk consider people who survive greyscale unclean, and prefer to euthanize them rather than take the chance that they may live to infect others.