Game Of Thrones History & Lore The Dragon Pit.The Dragonpit is a huge, cavernous building that sits atop Rhaenys’s hill in King’s Landing.

Prior to the Dragonpit, a great Sept was built on Rhaeny’s Hill known as the Sept of Remembrance which used to be the main Sept in King’s Landing. During the Faith Militant uprising, Maegor the Cruel, mounted on Balerion the Black Dread, incinerated the Great Sept with dragonflame and later decreed that a large domed structure would be built on the hill for Targaryens to house its royal dragons. Because Maegor had killed all those who had built the Red Keep to hide its secrets, many fled rather than work on the Dragonpit. Maegor had to use city prisoners, with supervisors from Myr and Volantis.



  1. I really enjoyed this. Thanks! I did find it wierd that Dany spoke of Dragons as terrifying and so on in past tense as if Drogon and Reagahl weren't there and of course Viseryion had just been killed.


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