Image: Insight Editions

Skepticism was natural when HBO announced it would be making a spinoff to Game of Thrones. Thrones had been so incredible (despite ending so poorly) that any attempt to recapture that magic could easily look like a cash grab. Fast forward to today, though, and House of the Dragon has not just erased any doubt, it’s burned it to the ground as if from the mouth of a dragon.

House of the Dragon is awesome. Way better than most people had expected. As a result, you might find yourself wondering, “How did they do it?” How did the team behind the show reach that golden standard Game of Thrones created all those years ago?

The answer to that question can be found in Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon: Inside the Creation of a Targaryen Dynasty, a new hardcover book from Insight Editions and author Gina McIntyre. Out January 31 2023, the book features “exclusive insights and secrets from the show’s ambitious shoot” along with “revealing interviews” from the show’s stars, creators, and producers, as well as never-before-seen imagery from the making of the show. Which is where we come in.

io9 is excited to not just let you know this book is coming, we’ve got several exclusive spreads that show you just how lovely it’s all going to look. Check it out.



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