Fans have seen several renditions of the Game of Thrones in the world of video games. However, the prospect of a PS1-style adventure game based on the plot of the series is something many dedicated fans would love to have.


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One such dedicated fan created a parody of the series’ ending scenes when Danerys and Drogon were burning down Kings Landing. The fan posted this nostalgic caricature on Reddit and has received hilarious reactions from fellow Redditors.


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Game of Thrones gets a PlayStation 1 Rendition

Reddit user u/alundbjork posted a hilarious rendition of the final seasons’ scenes from Game of Thrones by recreating the fall of Kings Landing as a PlayStation 1 game. The video is accompanied by hilarious dialogue and loading screens which add up to the charm of this creation.

The comments section seemed to be absolutely amused by this parody of Game of Thrones. Recently, nostalgic gaming has become a trend and this might be the first time that an entity beyond gaming got a nostalgic rendition. The comments section was as funny as the video was. One comment even seems to be associating the game with Star Wars!

Many Reddit users seemed amazingly hyped by the game and wanted to try it out first-hand.

The voice actor spelling the hilarious dialogues was doing a really fine job to offer the watchers a retro feel from the video. The squelchy sound effects also make it amazingly fun to watch.


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Game of Thrones has had several video games around based on it which include mobile games like Beyond The Wall, Tale of Crows, and a 2012 RPG game from Cyanide Studios. There is a TellTale version of Game of Thrones as well.

Previously, it was also reported that Bethesda was developing a Game of Thrones game around the plot of the series that eventually got scrapped and replaced by Skyrim. Fans who want to relive such nostalgic renditions of GOT can visit this George RR Martin approved Multi-User Shared Hallucination, which consists of text-based RPG gaming.


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What do you think of this PS1 rendition of the Game of Thrones series? Let us know in the comments.



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