The theory is about how the the world of ice and fire is a post apocalyptic world.

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  1. actually seeing as how GRRM is very involved in the show, ive wondered about that imagery during the intro of the 6 rings spinning around what appears to be a large star, or possibly a mild nova . . . what ive wondered is that maybe westeros is just one piece of a ringworld, 1 of 7, and the seemingly random seasons are due to the rings passing in front of one another . . . because if it is a mild nova, the rings could be massive enough that the layers could be far enough to never be seen by a society as regressed as that of westeros . . . although i do also wonder abotu the post apocalyptic theory, it still wouldnt explain the random seasons . . . and GRRM is known for writing books that appear to be fantasy at first look, but turn out to be sci-fi by the end

  2. PLUS: Sansa is preggers with the Bolton heir; she remarries Tyrion, thus uniting Stark, Lanister & Bolton to rule The North from Winterfell. Jamie reluctantly kills Cersei when she goes bonkers after killing of Tommen and tries to burn down the City.

  3. Notice that Tommen's Crown has SPIKES of the perfect length to rip out the H. Sparrow's Carotid Art/Jugular Vein?!?! So…no one can smuggle a sword near H. Sparrow, but Margie, can take off the Crown and kill Sparrow and Sister Haemorrhoida EASY! Tommen hasn't taken his crown off for at least the last four episodes which always means something … and they linger longingly on the spikes quite often. Sadly, I reckon Tommen will also get the spikes in the neck, probably by Queen Margie. Surely Lady Stoneheart will also turn up in Ep 10, otherwise why brink back Beric Bondumbledore and his Bannerless Bros? Also, I reckon Jon has to end up with Dani … so Jon IS NOT a Targ, but (somehow or other) is a Baratheon, so J + D = Targ + Stark + Barath — uniting all the Big Boys!

  4. Colony collapse makes sense. An initial colony becomes cut off and rapidly regresses. Perhaps an intergalactic war cut off supplies, they rapidly cannibalized their tech quickly went from advanced to minimal tech.

  5. Reminds me of a Sci-Fi vampires. Hundreds of years from now on the civilized mankind advanced to the next level of being and moved either to space or other dimension. The rest of it(which accounted for billions) was supposed to be cleaned out by artificially created vampries that can only feast upon human flesh to free the space for other species on the planet.

  6. it is clearly not a medieval series…
    the people of this world have glass, lenses, windows and an understanding of geothermal energy and sealing stone (wunterfell)… there is none in history excluding the modern day to compare with.
    this is clearly a story set on a different planet in the future from today.

    it I not based "hundreds" of years ago on earth….

  7. It could also be that the World of Ice and Fire is in the twilight zone between optimal habitability and total climatic chaos because it was born around a sunlike star with a much more unpredictable spot cycle in a binary system, whose other member is a brown dwarf in a relatively close eccentric orbit, and whose moon isn't massive enough to completely stabilize the planet's axial tilt. Does that sound plausible?

  8. Yeah this is just stupid, unless every human was wiped out and man started anew, people from the old world of technology would remember planes, and phones, and electricity, and would have passed down this knowledge to their children. Not to mention all the literature around would have to be destroyed. No Nuclear war, unless it wiped out everything and everybody would get rid of that.

  9. I actually had this same theory with skyrim. and I said that fallout and skyrim are in the same world and that skyrim is just years after fallout where the world changed so much from the radiation that it's unrecognizable and is full of "mutants like strange creatures.

  10. It's a load of old bollocks of course, but I do remember thinking that large chunks of the story read like Sci-fi. In parts it reminded me of Dune. Which , as you say, should come as no surprise, as GRRM is primarily a Sci-fi writer.

  11. Bullshit. This is by far Preston's most tinfoil theory yet.

    There are plenty of examples of catacombs, dungeons and modified cave structures built by ancient civilizations in the real world. To say that they're bunkers is, no pun intended, bonkers.

    Also, as far as the nuclear winter theory is concerned, there's no evidence suggesting a nuclear explosion was involved. We have already seen how the others influence the weather so it makes a lot more sense for the cause to be magical.


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