Probably the biggest meeting in Game of Thrones…
Jon Snow finally meets Daenerys Targaryen



  1. This is Aegon Targareyan, sixth of his name, Jon Snow, Bastard of Winterfell, Slayer of White Walkers, Lord Commander of the Night's watch, Savior of the Free Folk, the Undead, Lord of Winterfell, King in the north, and the rightful heir to the seven kingdoms, king of the Andals and the First Men.

  2. Dany has gotten too smug, she thinks that no one is worthy of her, Jon does not think highly of himself, he has worked hard, he is concerned about everyone's lives, Dany is only concerned about the throne, nothing else.

  3. Now if only he walked up to her after that intro and said "I'm the son of Rhaegar Targaryen. The one true heir to the Iron Throne, The Prince that was Promised, Lord of Winterfell and King in the North. You must have forgotten how the line of succession works, Auntie."

  4. Also: I have no faith in myths.

    You have three dragons and apparently, can't be burned, have children because of blood magic, but you have trouble believing that the White Walkers are returning?

  5. 'I thought the last King in the North was Torrhen Stark."

    Completely forgets that Robb Stark was King in the North. And the northern Lords completely forgot that Sansa Stark is Robb Stark's heir, not Jon Snow.

  6. And Daenerys shows she doesn't know eveything when it comes to the loyalty or leadership of the North.
    Ned absolutely abhorred Clegane's terrible slaying of Elia, Aegon and Rhaenys. He was pissed at Robert for not laying a punishment on the Lannisters for Tywin's orders.
    Years later, when Robert wanted Ned to send the order to kill Daenerys and Rhaego, Ned refused and said he was against the killing of children. He took off his Hand of the King badge.
    Not only does she not know that much about Westerosi history (including the issues House Targaryen created for the Realm), she refuses to look past her nose and see the bigger picture.
    Daenerys can have the Dothraki and Unsullied… But what has she done to earn the the Seven Kingdoms?
    Being Aerys' off spring isnt enough and neither is her last name.

  7. before they enter
    Jon: OK when we we in there; you need to be like: This is Jon Snow, the White Wolf, King of the North, Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, Bastard of Winterfell, slayer of White Walkers, protector of the Free Folk, the Resurrected, the kisser of those kissed by fire, hero of the Battle of the Bastards, father of Direwolf, friend of the Giant Wun-Wun and all-round badass motherfucker.
    Then I'll be like…. s'up?
    Davos: Sounds good, let's go.

    Davos: This is Jon Snow. He's King in the North.

  8. Ser Davos on the Job after hearing how the Dragon Queen was introduced.

    Ser Davos and Jon Snow: Stunned ………
    Ser Davos: Glanced at Jon Snow and thinking "What do I say now ?"
    Jon Snow: Come on.
    Ser Davos: Ya, this is Jon Snow
    Jon Snow: Come on, dude. You can do better.
    Ser Davos: He is ummm, King in the North.
    Ser Davos: That is the best I can come up with.

  9. "I present to you: this is Jon Snow, Bearer of Longclaw, Nine hundred ninety eighth Commander of the Night's Watch, Slayer of a White Walker, Slayer with an arrow of The King Beyong the Wall, Savior of the Free Folks, Reclaimer and Lord of Winterfell, King of the North."

    Jon if I am free to hire and I don't ask much of a salary, so if you need someone who can proper announce a man of your status … feel free to contact me.


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