As a number of you may have heard already over the past few months, a Jon Snow spin-off is one of the Game of Thrones projects in the works. It is, by far, the most-publicized of any of them other than House of the Dragon (which is currently on the air), and it’s also the only one that would function as a sequel series to the flagship show. We know that a lot of people didn’t love the notion of him going back with the Night’s Watch — among, of course, a lot of other things that people did not appreciate about the final season.

So as House of the Dragon continues to build momentum and gain viewers, is it possible that the wheels are turning faster than ever with the Jon Snow show? It’s at least worth getting into for a moment here…

If you haven’t had a chance to watch our review of the most-recent House of the Dragon episode, take a look at it below! Once you do that, be sure to SUBSCRIBE to Matt & Jess on YouTube for even more updates the rest of the way.

The first thing that we should say here is rather simple: Nothing has been confirmed as of yet when it comes to HBO even airing this show. It is still in development, but we wonder how long that could last. It wouldn’t be a huge shock if they announced something following the House of the Dragon finale, mostly to keep buzz going for the next several months.

Or, another idea is just that HBO takes their time and doesn’t hurry an announcement for anything. They aren’t beholden to the Game of Thrones franchise to make this show and if there’s one thing we know about the network already, it’s that they won’t produce something solely for the sake of doing it. They only put projects out there that they fully believe in, and they aren’t afraid to cancel something even after they’ve poured money into it.

So rather than just trying to capitalize on specific timing, we think that HBO’s real plan here is quite simple: Give the series however long that it takes to produce something of quality on the other side.

Related Be sure to get some more news on House of the Dragon moving into the next episode

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This article was written by Jessica BunBun. Be sure to follow her on Twitter.



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