The two most prominent bastards in the North partake in battle atop the Wall.

Audio by Sir Giraffehat. ( Footage by MistNuts. (



  1. very creative to the maker of this(obvious fan made fight with a mod screw the haters) i just hope when jon snow stark targaryen gets to ramsay he takes his time with him instead of just a couple of slashes and a stab with a fall. i hope jon like does somethin demented almost and lets ghost devour him piece by piece slowly. i think that would be sweet justice and gnarly as hell

  2. I'm going to argue a couple of points from the book either jon snow uses the bolton's in the battle against the others…or he returns to kill ramsay i hope the latter personally

  3. Recently saw this "spoof" on you-tube where Jon Snow chops off Ramsay snow's head. 't was from an episode GOT, but Ramsay's head was "pasted" on. Don't seem to find it back.


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