From ep. 9 of Game of Thrones



  1. A few silly things.
    #1 That hit actually would not have killed Quotho. It did not reach far enough back behind the mouth. The pain would have been enough to finish him, though.

    #2 In nearly all Game of Thrones (TV) fights there's one ridiculous omission: there's no shield. In the books this omission is not present, but there's apparently someone out there in the GoT costume design team who thinks people must fight with one-handed swords and no shields. This is ludicrous. Also, all the arrows are flaming for no reason whatsoever.
    Had Jorah had a shield it would have been even less of a match. You don't pit an armoured knight against a savage.

  2. There isn't one Khal for all the Khalasars, there's a Khal for each one. Khal Drogo was the strongest of them all, and I believe had the biggest Khalasar. In the books it's mentioned, when they go to Vaes Dothrak, even the Khalasars that are at war with eachother, feast and drink with eachother under the mountain god. Because you can't shed blood in Vaes Dothrak. d:

  3. Bronn understood the advantages and weaknesses of the full plate armour. Qotho was an arrogant prick who really hadn't a clue about either.

    I'd say that Bronn won through strategy and planning, rather than any particular display of agility. Qotho relied exclusively on agility and reflexes, and lost when Jorah exploited the advantages of his armour.

    The common point in both fights isn't the abilities of the winner, but the fact that the loser refused to think.

  4. Also Jorah's armour was perfectly suited to defend against the weapon Qotho is using. Qotho's sickle-like weapon is only good for slashing, something which Chain mail and plate armour are very strong against (force of attack is spread out through the links and cannot pierce).

    On the other hand Bronn wields a sword which (suitable for slashing and stabbing) and directs his attacks at weak points in Vardis' armour (the killing blow is a thrust straight through his unguarded neck/shoulder area)

  5. Its not definitive. Remember Bronn vs Vardis? Jorah did not wear a helmet and he had no shield, he was smart and dressed to an optimum level of speed and armour. Vardis went overboard on armour, he had chain-mail and plate-mail and a shield and a helmet.

    Also remember this is one on one, in a battle of tens of thousands the speed and agility win. Robert also admitted Westeros fighting styles are no match for Dothraki hordes.

  6. The difference is that Bronn understood the weaknesses of armour, that its faceplates constrict breathing (most armour weighs about 40-60 pounds, that's less than standard military equipment in the present day).
    Bronn realized that if he kept his movements to a minimum and dodged as needed, he's outlast his foe.

    Conversely, Qotho relied on exertion rather than either skill or energy conservation. He played to his foes advantage, and thus deserved to die like the fool he was.

  7. Probably has more to do with experience. Qotho has been fighting other dothraki or lightly armored sellswords. Bronn knew how to fight men in full plate, he'd been doing it all his life. Also, remember, the fight was in the Eyrie, at high altitude. Vardis Egen would have tired quicker than Jorah

  8. You can't just outright say that heavy armor > no heavy armor.
    For example, when fighting high up in the mountains, people are lightly armored, because no matter how fit you are, hauling heavy armor up the hill will leave you exhausted and you wont be able to swing a sword for a long time. Also, even armored knights have weak spots (wait until season 4) Im not saying no armor is better, Im just saying its a complex topic.

  9. The debate about the heavy armor vs no armor is a joke, a talented knight dressed in plate armor would be trained and used to wear it and it's a obvious thing that a knight would have had a great stamina during his lifetime practise in armor. In a real duel 1v1, a foe wouldn't stand a change against a fully armored knight 😛


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