Game of Thrones’ Season 6 featured some truly epic death scenes. Walder Frey getting his comeuppance at the hands of Arya Stark will be remembered for a long time, especially if Arya continues to cross people off her list. Margaery Tyrell’s last stand may have been in vain, but her final moments were a memorable send-off to a beloved character, as she was finally bested by her rival Cersei (oh, and everyone in the Sept died too but let’s face it, we only really cared about Margaery). And then of course Ramsey Bolton’s death was the most poetic, as Sansa set his own ravenous dogs on him. So satisfying. But there are tons of other gruesome and bloody deaths that go unnoticed, as people are slain in battle or casually stabbed during dinner. Here’s a collection of every single onscreen death in ‘Game of Thrones’ Season 6, just to remind us that it doesn’t matter how well you play the game, power is power.




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