Jon Snow won’t be back for the spin-offs (Picture: HBO)

Game Of Thrones star Kit Harington has ruled out any chance of Jon Snow returning in the planned spin-offs, saying how he’s completely done with the character.

The 31-year-old actor will bid farewell to Jon Snow after season eight launches next April, but the show’s legacy is set to live on in numerous planned spin-offs already in the works.

With any franchise continuation, there’s always hopes of beloved characters potentially returning for a brief or more substantial appearance – but don’t expect Jon Snow to return. Like, ever.

Jon Snow will bid farewell in season eight (Picture: HBO)

Speaking to the BBC about leaving the show, Kit said: ‘It was emotional to leave the job definitely.

‘But I wouldn’t say I was sad: if like me you go all the way back to the pilot of Game Of Thrones, that’s almost 10 years of your life – that’s really unusual in an actor’s career.

‘It was a huge emotional upheaval leaving that family. But would I want to go back and do more? Not on your life.’

Asked more directly about appearing in the spin-offs, Kit gave an ‘unequivocal no’ after remarking how much he loved doing stage work.

Kit has previously stated how he wouldn’t want to return to the show, saying how he has ‘no desire’ to return to the character following season eight.

Kit Harington, Maisie Williams and Richard Madden(Picture: David M. Benett/Dave Benett/Getty Images for Coach)

It’s perhaps unsurprising considering the actor’s life has been dominated by the show since 2011, only branching out briefly into other roles in How To Train Your Dragon franchise, BBC drama Gunpowder and action romp Pompeii.

Jason Momoa, however, recently claimed his character Khal Drogo won’t be returning to Game Of Thrones in the final season – despite a bulk of theories believing otherwise.

Game Of Thrones season eight is set to kick off in April 2019.

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