Lena Headey, who played Cersei Lannister on Game of Thrones, is a phenomenal actor. During her time as Cersei Lannister on the show, her portrayal of the terrible queen was so compelling that some fans started to dislike her in real life. However, true fans began defending her valuable contribution to the series over time. The actress recently had to take a temporary break from work after an accident.
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Lena Headey won’t be working for 6 weeks
Fans were shocked to see a recent post on Headey’s Instagram, which showed her injured leg and her crutches. She wrote: “F**k. 6 weeks. One Birk only.”
Her fans as well as former co-stars such as Game of Thrones’ Nathalie Emmanuel wished her a speedy recovery, and wrote: “Oh nooooo! Hope you have a speedy recovery!”
Lena Headey steers clear of discussing Game of Thrones with her kids
Headey recently discussed how she handles her work while raising two children in a recent interview. “If someone says, ‘Oh, you’re in Game of Thrones’, my youngest now says things like, ‘What is Game of Thrones?’” Headey says. “In fact, the other day she went, ‘My mommy is in…’ And I was like, ‘You don’t tell people!’”
Read Next: Lena Headey felt relieved when Game of Thrones craze died down