Game of Thrones London Film and Comic Con Winter Panel with Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson (The Mountain, Gregor Clegane), Owen Teale (Alliser Thorne), Tony Way (Ser Dontos Hollard) & Andy Beckwith (Rorge). Watch more Game of Thrones interviews with Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson ► Owen Teale ► Tony Way ► Andy Beckwith ► Subscribe for more! ►

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Camera & Editor: Ed Yoxall

Thanks to London Film and Comic Con



  1. Actors don't like it when they have to sign things that are going to be sold.

    But why? Who cares if they sell it? That just means it will end up with someone else who is a fan, someone who perhaps lives in a different country and doesn't have the opportunity to meat his heroes. I wish I had something signed by Gandalf.

  2. I wonder if they offered to have a translator for Hafthor? Just so he could be more into the back and forth. Also . …his named is friggin pronounced Half_ Thor. Why is this man not fighting crime instead of acting.

  3. its cool to see the mountain talk,to bad he doesnt realy speak english or that they didnt get him a translater,it looks as if he feels abit akwards when he try's to explain but he doesnt realy know the words,poor guy but he did his best

  4. He actually hates Jon Snow because Thorne was a supporter and solider of the Targaryens, and after the Rebellion he was sent to the Wall. So he is bitter and places partial blame on Ned Stark since he was part of the Rebellion and sees a golden opportunity to take his hatred and bitterness out on Jon, a Stark and the bastard son of Ned.

    Though the first part of what I wrote is something that I suspect will come into play one day and perhaps change everything. I'll leave it there.

  5. I had to laugh out loud, when Thorn said, up and to the last seasons battle on the Wall speech, he was viewed as a negative person. I’m currently watching my old Midsomer Murders DvDs and he was in the last one Second Sight. I was struck on how blue his eyes are even in the dark. 
    Björnsson is truly a mountain, I worried his chair would collapse before the interviews were through.  


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