The heart of a show or a film is its story. The story captivates the minds of the cast, compelling them to mould into their character. Game of Thrones had one of the most wondrous storylines ever, making it one of the biggest shows to have ever filmed. Carice van Houten, who played Melisandre on the show, talked to Collider recently. Taking an example of her new movie The Affair, the actress described what attracts her to a story.

Van Houten said, “It was a combination of a few things. There was the architectural element of this, where the house played a main part in the story. And then, there was the affair between the two ladies and the suppression of one of them and the unluckiness of it all. There was also the history and the stretch of time that we go through.”

Carice van Houten reveals what attracted her to the story of ‘The Affair'

“Originally, the producer and the director wanted to have two separate actresses for the later parts, when they’re older, and I was like, “Oh, I really only want to do it if I can play the old lady, as well.” That’s what was really touching to me, to do the whole stretch. I really wanted to finish it. That was a challenge, to make that believable. It’s always a bit tricky, of course, with prosthetics and make-up. There was the love story between them, what the house endures through that time, and just the beauty of art and what it represents. They can’t actually live up to what the house promises. The symbolism of it is what attracted me.”

What makes a story interesting for you? Talk to us in the comments below!



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