Game of Thrones was a celebration of fantasy, art and medieval culture. The show broke all records of viewership numbers and set the bar for TV shows really high. The fantasy series still holds the record for the most number of Emmy Awards won. Game of Thrones has always been a topic of controversy throughout its run due to its bold scenes. The show’s stars Mark Addy and Sophie Turner explained to Digital Spy why they were important to the storytelling.

Mark Addy (Robert): “I think all of the scenes serve an important function, whether it’s showing you how a character is changing from being a girl to being a woman. Whether it’s showing you how a character is changing from being a submissive person to someone who is more prepared to kind of take control of her own destiny.”

Mark Addy and Sophie Turner talk about the importance of bold scenes on Game of Thrones

Sophie Turner (Sansa): “I very much remember the first couple of seasons, people really loathed [Sansa]. They really hated her. They found her quite stuck up and a really frustrating character. Then they started feeling sorry for her, because it seemed like the next few seasons were her being beaten and bruised and raped and married – forced marriages – and all of these horrific things happened to her. “

“Slowly, people started to feel sympathy, but it took a while. A lot of people, for a while, were saying that she deserved it. It’s interesting because it really wouldn’t have made Sansa the Sansa she is today had she not gone through those things and had been subjected to so much torture and trauma. It made her the strong, passionate woman that she is. Now, she has a lot of followers, a lot of fans.”

What do you think of the bold scenes on the show? Tell us in the comments below!



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