As HBO’s blockbuster series Game of Thrones returns for its seventh season, Reason offers its own freedom-filled parody. A libertarian paradise north of the wall? What’s happened to Westeros’ social security trust fund? Should it take low-income Dothraki four years to get a hair-braiding license? Watch!

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Reason is the planet’s leading source of news, politics, and culture from a libertarian perspective. Go to for a point of view you won’t get from legacy media and old left-right opinion magazines.
Parody written and produced by Austin Bragg, Meredith Bragg, and Andrew Heaton. Shot and edited by Bragg and Bragg. Starring Andrew Heaton, Austin Bragg, and Remy.



  1. "Less government" –> dystopian social-darwinist anarchy & seizure of power by private corporations with private armies –> Neo-Feudalism = "more government", this time private government

    Libertarianism = Poorly Disguised Fascism

    Kinda obvious if you have half a brain and can think one step ahead.

    Still funny video, though.

  2. This was a clever, funny video that pokes fun at everyone, including libertarians, and yet there are still a bunch of comments like "haha yeah, but really fuck libertarianism though". Goodness, people, can't we just have a nice chuckle for once?

  3. Well, all in all it looks completely fucked, because that individual liberty thing you said, but chances are high, VERY VERY HIGH, that I'm just an idiot and got it wrong. Individual liberty, if I'm not mistaken, is the right for individuals to do whatever the fuck they wish, without restriction, otherwise your infringing on their liberty. So, in other words, anarchy. Everyone does what they want, eventually a few clucks decide an army is needed to conquer the world, because, individual liberty, and all the fucking awesome mind altering drugs that that provides, (not bashing drugs, pretty cool, but I'd like someone to stop me if I ever believe the world belongs to the order of Klechks). The army conquers and eventually through pillaging and destruction, establishes itself as an unquestionable power which people follow. AKA: Democracy, Socialism, Communism, Monarchy, ect: chy's. I'm just sploofing here though, not much a fuck as to what I'm talking about.

  4. Very clever video, I've been a libertarian for decades and a game of thrones fan almost as long. To see these two so expertly put together just gives me hope for humanity. Keep up the good work, more stuff like this and people will eventually see the light

  5. Born and Cuba and socialism and communism suck. And sure sounded at first a lot like what liberals seem to want. Liberals are scum and want something that they never experienced. Look no further then Cuba or Venezuela and you'll get your answer. Be happy to be in the US where for the most part is very capitalist and individuals can flourish on their merits and skills. If you want socialism and communism please hit me up a d I'll buy you a one way ticket to Cuba so you can love there.


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