Game Of Thrones Maekar’s Resolve. During the trial of seven, Maekar came to blows with his brother Baelor, who fought for Dunk, and delivered a lethal mace blow to Baelor’s head. Baelor survived the trial, but died soon after taking off his helmet. Maekar suspected that he would thereafter be held in suspicion as a kinslayer. Dealing with the problems of his sons, Maekar banished Aerion to the Free Cities and offered Dunk a position in his personal guard to serve as a role model for Aegon. After Dunk refused, Maekar allowed Aegon to accompany Dunk as his squire. Maekar made Aegon promise to keep his hair shaved or dyed, to remain incognito, and also gave him a signet ring with his personal seal for his protection in case of emergencies.

Maekar was a harsh man, quick to judge and to condemn. Unlike his brother Baelor, he was not charismatic and could not make friends and allies easily. After Baelor’s accidental death by his hands, Maekar became even more stern and unforgiving.




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