Maggy the frog prophecy breakdown. Who is Cersei Lannister’s Valonqar from the prophecy, and will the show have the valonqar?
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A young Cersei Lannister goes in search of woods witch called Maggy the Frog in the first scene of season 5 in Game of Thrones. Maggy uses blood magic to tell Cersei the prophecy about who she will marry, about her children, and also talks about their death. In a Feast for Crows in the Song of Ice and Fire series Maggy the Frog also tells the young Cersei that she will die by the hands of the valonqar. Cersei later learns that this means little brother in high Valerian.
Do you think Cersei’s valonqar is Tyrion, or could it be her other little brother Jaime? Maggy the Frog’s prophecy is open for interpretation but she gets some details absolutely correct. Also Maggy’s prophecy mentions a younger, more beautiful Queen who will take her place, and take all she holds dear. Do you think this younger Queen is Margaery Tyrell, or could it be Daenarys Targaryen?
This video breaks the prophecy down and gives the history of what was going on at the time with Lord Tywin, Robert Baratheon, and Rhaegar Targaryen.

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  1. Let me know if you think the Maggy the Frog prophecy is important in the upcoming seasons, and why do you think they left the valonqar part out in the show. Do you think it will be revealed in Game of Thrones season 7, and do you think it will play a part by leading Cersei into bad decisions that will bring about her death?

  2. On the show, they left out the valonquar part of the prophecy. They are not going to have that part on the show. The show will more than likely have Arya be the one to end Cersei since they have played up her kill list so much.

  3. Im pretty sure maggys prophecy is already disproven. Cersei has already had 4 sons. A black haired boy who died of a fever when he was little, Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen.

  4. I think that ship has sailed Maggy the frog didn't mention the Valonqar so I'm thinking anyone could kill Cersei. Arya still has Cersei's name on her list. If the show decides to include the Valonqar that scenario could still play out Arya could take Jamie's face and do the deed.

  5. Marcella wore a golden crown, her hair (as with her brothers) was gold (blonde).
    A shroud for clarification was a scarf or veil that covered the hair and went down to the chest. It looks a bit like a hood, sort of like the character Assassin's Creed. The shroud was placed as a funeral covering on a person's head since by custom the hairs would occasionally fall off while the person was dead.

  6. I personally believe Maggy is the 'SEER' or 'prophet' in this show, the bible tells us that if a person's prophesies don't come to pass then they are no prophets of His and we're to ignore them. Don't get it twisted, I know this is not about religion, but the Test of a Prophet or prophesy lies with it coming true. Everything that can come true up to this point on what she said, "HAS!". I trust her gift more than any other. Also you shouldn't 'chase' prophesy trying to MAKE IT COME TRUE (and even, in some cases trying to stop it) it has to 'UNFOLD'. Usually prophesy is very symbolistic and cryptic which is why there are many ways a prophesy can be fulfilled but some are pretty plain spoken, like Maggie's. And I did not notice that the second part was missing, everyone talks about it as though it's understood. They did that with Dany's reproductive prophesy too. Technically if it wasn't said it doesn't apply. I'm thinking they left that open for the same reason they left Dany's open… so that they could take the story or the characters arc a different way. This way they can kill her anyway they want and if you don't understand about that part of the prophesy people will try to argue either how it fits or may be disappointed if something totally different is done. Not Cool!

  7. Valonqar can translate to Little Brother in which case Tyrion or Jamie kill Cersei or the feminine meaning Little sister in which case in could refer to the youngest Stark sister Arya killing her.

  8. We all seem to stop when we get to "valonqar", but the prophecy continues "will wrap his hands around your pale white throat …"

    HIS – no girls
    HANDS – no one-handed people

    But hey – Benioff and Weiss are getting further away from the standards set by GRRM, so anything could happen …

  9. So the prophecy about the amount of children is correct. Robert has fathered 16 children and Cersei had 3 and 1 that died on the way. But as far as Robert was concerned, they were all his so he had 20.

  10. I think there are a some things in the prophecy we have overlooked.1. Cersei might have killed her friend2. It never stated that she will not have a kid with Robert, it just stated that 3 will be hers (which means not by Robert) 3. The valongar will killed her. However we found out Valonqar supposedly mean little "brother", however it could mean "little sister. Arya is Sansa's little sister.

  11. The show makes it a point to show Arya saying how she wants to kill Cersei, and how everyone does not believe her or take her seriously. They show people laughing at Arya. But they all underestimate Arya, and she plays that to her advantage. So I feel the show will fulfill that wish for Arya, and her fans. But I also think that in order to also complete the Maggy "valonqar" prophecy, the show will have to include some type of plot twist. It will either be a plan by Jamie (the valonqar), where he sets up a trap for Cercei's downfall, but which Arya executes (remember she just said "I'm just the executioner"). So that will be the death at the hands of the "valoqar", and the Arya death wish-list fulfilled. Or it might be the ultimate plot twist in where Arya some how kills Jamie (for the initial Brand/Rob Stark betrayals – The North Remembers) and then use his face to go back to Cersei and kill her. Damn this would be sick.

  12. Bran is the little sibling that will kill Cersei. Who else should take her life but the Night King. Anything else is not worthy. He will transform her into his Night Queen by draining the life from her by grabbing her by the throat.

  13. I'm hoping the show left it out because the writers never intend Cersei to die, but instead win the Game of Thrones. I'm personally hoping Qyburn will figure out a way to take control of the army of the dead and that Cersei will use it along with the Lannister forces and the Golden Company to destroy Jon and Dany. Jamie returns, Tyrion and Cersei reconcile and her child grows up to rule Westeros after she dies of extreme old age.

    But I doubt the producers would be so brave.

  14. Arya wil kill cersi. Sansa would most likely use poison, I don't see Danny strangling anyone, and tyrion would leave it up to Jamie, who will waver last second and get killed by the Mountain. I do believe she will either be sick from pregnancy or sick after losing her child and that is when someone will sneak in to try to kill her in her sleep. I think the young queen and the little sibling are one in the same…..but I'm just waiting like everybody else.

  15. Euron will kill her, but he will hire faceless men and Jagan H'gar will travel to Winterfell and give Arya the job. He will say she owes a debt for the faces she has and he knows Cersei is the biggest one on Arya's list. Arya will go but I think Jamie will beat her to it when he finds out Cersei wed Euron while pregnant with his baby, but by then Cersei will have had a miscarriage.

  16. Well, we have the Valonqar and Arya's kill list in which Cersei's name is at the top. So, a very interesting plot would go something like this: Arya kills Jaime, takes his face and kills Cersei. Hence both the prophecy and the kill list complete.

  17. How about the fact that if that part of the prophecy was left out. Then it was left out for a reason, so the show doesn't spoil Cerseis destiny in the plot. Remember not everything in the book is included in the show. Lady stone heart for example

  18. There are no valonqar in movie, the prophecies did not mention it in the movie. Only say younger queen will cast her down n take all she hold dear. Thats it.

  19. Since Cersei is batting 0% on successfully interpreting Maggy's prophecy I think it is important to note Maggy says The Valonqar ( The Little Brother) and not Your Valonqar ( Your Little Brother)  That simple switch opens the door for many younger brother's possibly strangling Cersei.  Again the reader assumes Jamie and Tyrion are the suspects because Cersei assumes Maggy was referring to the younger brother being her younger brother, when all Maggy said was that a little brother would strangle her.  Gendry is not the oldest of Robert's Bastards, he would have every reason to strangle Cersei,  The Hound is a little brother, again he's not someone in favor of her,  Euron Greyjoy is a little brother,  I do not see him being to keen to wed Cersei if she is knocked up with another man's child especially Jamie's, and unlike Robert he is well aware that Cersei and Jamie have had and are possibly having sex.  If I were to bet I would say the younger Queen = Dany, but The Valonqar = Euron as again the key phrase was The Valonqar not Your Valonqar and I think that is very important

  20. Everything that has come true about this prophesy has been very literal and lived out–3 kids meant 3 kids.
    THE VALONQAR wrapping his HANDS around hear neck is clearly Tyrion; he's little in stature as well as the younger brother and he has two hands.
    Jaime didn't kill her after the Sept, so I doubt he ever will do it.
    Arya's preferred method of choice is knife and sword.

    QUESTION: Is it still true that the show didn't reveal the valonqar portion of the prophecy being told to young Cersei?

  21. Jamie will kill her but maybe not on purpose… If they are now promised a fourth child (out of prophesy), and Jamie is the one who got Cersei pregnant, if she had a miscarriage it could be an ugly birth resulting in death of both child and mother/ Jamie might take Cersei out of her misery/ the pregnancy could kill her which could be claimed as Jamie's fault.


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