Night gathers, and now my watch begins.
Check out this track on iTunes! β–Ί
This track was a collaboration with Plasma3Music! β–Ί

As one of the initial things that got me into Game of Thrones, Ramin Djawadi’s music has always been a huge inspiration of mine, and making an arrangement of this theme almost seems to be a sort of coming of age experience for YouTube musicians. This particular arrangement has been in the works with my good friend Plasma3Music for a long time (over 3 years!), and we finally got around to finishing it after so long a couple of weeks ago. As a way of sharing the views a little more consistently between both of our channels, this is a little bit of a test for uploading some longer ‘extended’ versions of the tracks we work on together. It’s been such a long time in the making, hopefully it was worth the wait!

You can download this track on iTunes, Google Play or Spotify!
iTunes β–Ί
Google Play β–Ί
Spotify β–Ί

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  1. If I were the director of this show i'd make this track as the finale. Imagine all houses have come together and have bent the knee to the throne (no specific person) and they've pledged to fight the dead and only them. That'll mark the beginning of an era of democracy.

  2. Goodness gracious!! I closed my eyes and relived all seasons and their episodes. Game of Thrones new season wait is worst than waiting for your only love to show up after long absence, for your love will stay but GOT well come briefly and then disappear for freaking a year!!


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