Maisie Williams aka Arya Stark in Game of Thrones grew up under the eyes of the spectators. The young actress goes back on all those years on the shelf, and gives a few tips on how to watch season 8 in the best conditions.

Sansa and Arya, season 7

Fifteen small days separate us from the return of Game of Thrones and no matter what you say, they pass quickly enough. Fans around the world are chomping at the bit and they don’t know what to expect. The team around the series wants to create the event and it is successful, no spoiler has been able to successfully filter. The speculations are many, but no way of knowing if they are real or not. In an interview for Entertainment Weekly, Maisie Williams (Arya Stark) entrusts and gives a few tips before you dive in to season 8.

The circle will be complete

After reading the script, I re-watched season 1 because this new season there is much reference. There are so many similar scenes. I also wanted to remember the arc of my character, everything she had gone through. I wanted that the loop is buckled for Arya, as she finds a sense of normalcy as when she was younger. This year, it is as if she had a dual personality. There are a lot of emotions and memories related to his family to which he is entitled, all that she has fought. All of these things make her a different person. However, she does not forget his list and is still to kill Cercei. It is getting closer to the goal. Thus, she is torn between her desire to return to a certain naivety and innocence with his family and the mission it is assigned”.

Arya Season 1

The sisters Stark united in the face of adversity

If the relationship between Arya and Sansa has not always been in good shape, this is not the case of the relationship between Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner. The two young women have grown up together, and Maisie has said that he is delighted to have shared more scenes with Sophie this season : “It is not often that we see a character stick to the sides of Sansa without the handle. Last season, it was really complicated for Arya because Jon (she mature remember) thought only with his penis and it made her bitter. This season, you’re going to see Arya to team up with Sansa it aside sometimes Jon. It was a pleasant feeling and powerful for me to stand alongside of Sophie. Sophie and I are so close that when we shoot together, we no longer even need to play”.

Arya and Sansa season 1

The battle that everyone is talking about

The battle of Winterfell is one of the scenes most expected of the audience. However, we do not know much but enough still to make us the mouth water. This is the sequence that has made the most efforts to all stakeholders. This was distressing, we therefore expect a spectacular result. For the character of Arya, this will be a great first. The young woman had never competed in front of a battle. The actress said no more on the end that could take the confrontation. She tease simply by dropping a “There are a lot of deaths this year”. Not really surprising coming from Game of Thrones but it was a gut feeling that this season could be even more deadly than the previous… But Maisie Williams reassures us “Jis that the series ends well. And that it is time to stop”. Appointment on 14 April of next year to discover the outcome of the series, the most anticipated of the year.



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