“Give me one good reason why I should waste a single thought on any of you.”
Ep.9 Baelor

All copyright belongs to HBO.



  1. If you read the history of Walder Frey, his actions are justified. Fuck Robb and Catlyn. Also, fuck Sansa the bitch who didn't help john until the fucking end when all his army was destroyed. Also, fuck reckon for not knowing how to Zig Zag. Oh and we shouldn't forget the honorable son of a bitch named Ned who lost his head because of his stupid actions.

    Long may Cersi live.

  2. he's such a slob it's hilarious! "your mother would still be a milk maid if had squirted you into her belly!" and the way he fuckin kisses catelyn's hand! 😂😂😂😂😂

  3. I watch these clips all the time with much anticipation of the final season…

    And while I do, I have to say, the casting director for this series was spot on…seriously, every single actor they chose played their parts so damn well. Even the ones you hate like ol' Lord Frey here, or Joffery, so for that I say kuddos! Well done!

  4. Walder actually had made many good points.
    He did do the exact same thing as John Arryn.
    He also was wronged by Robb. His daughter was promised to be Queen not a wife to the man who insulted him his whole life.

  5. So glad he's dead but I do like the dilemma of the Freys'; being considered just a minor house of incest and frowned upon, only ever acting in their own interests and not for the common good nor evil. The problem that Robb had was the fact that he assumed the Frey's would understand and fall in line instead of understanding their agendas which got him killed.

    Cant wait to see the Frey's die a very painful and slow death in winds of winter too.


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