Welcome to the weekend. Sit back and enjoy some Game of Thrones-related giggles from across the internet, starting with one of the best GIFs to come from the Freefolk subreddit in a while. If you didn’t know, former President Barrack Obama and his wife Michelle had their official portraits revealed this week. Let’s see what Redditor DothrakiWhored did with that:

I think my favorite part is the ticker moving across the bottom of the screen. “Dothraki horde spoted in open field; King’s Landing on high alert.” Rock on, attention to detail. Can we nominate this for GIF of the year this early in 2018? Does that award even exist?

Moving on, YouTuber steve is back to continue his out-of-order journey through Game of Thrones. This week, he’s viewing “The Watchers on the Wall,” aka the one with the big battle at Castle Black. Let her rip:

Heavyset Guy, Bastard King, Red Beard, Tiny Eyes, and Star Trek guy will return…or not. I don’t know what episode he’ll watch next. Steve gives the episode a six out of ten because “sometimes it’s fun to not have to think so much and just watch people kill each other.” Amen.

Finally, for anyone who has ever played Dungeons and Dragons, this parody should hit a chord:

Dungeon Masters are the absolute worst. “Is he gone?” “Seems to be gone.” “Did anyone see me?” “Doesn’t appear so.” This player was obviously a novice because you always check for Passive Perception, and you always listen closely to the Dungeon Master’s irritatingly vague answers. It could save your character’s life. And that’s a protip straight from a guy who never listened very well to his Dungeon Master.

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