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Game of Thrones – Melisandre, Volatnis & The Golden Company (Season 8 Predictions)










  1. I find it funny how Westeros follows one set faith exclude portions of the North yet hop over to Volantis and BAM people in the street talking about the Lord of Light and its solid miracles and they are the ones who tons of Westeroses see as cultists. Why does it seem as if the faith of the seven are like santa claus and in Volantis they got it right yet they are getting called fanatics. Nobody has ever seen the faith perform a miracle or something helpful at all really. The old gods have had a hand in the dealings with Brandon Stark we have SEEN it with the trees and his visions so theres that. Then theres the Faceless men and the God of Death and that speaks for itself. No proof is needed there. Only thing we need to witness is some evidence of the seven. Santa claus……hm?

  2. mabye euron will keep the gold for the golden company,and cross cersei too,hire the faceless men to kill her,and return to kings landing ,swearing vengance for cersei and manipulating cyburn into naming him king.

  3. I agree and like the concept of Mel returning with the Fiery Hand but this trip to Volantis was created by D&D so Carice Van Hooten could have her baby. Doesn't mean they can't pursue this non-GRR thread – it's sort like a "free-play" for an NFL QB. Let it rip & see where it goes

  4. don't know where to put this question and get answer: does Melisandre have different necklages between first times she goes on screen and later (like third time she goes on screen or such)? does this means anything? ty

  5. Hey man, been with you since 4,000 subs I think, so I’m thrilled for you guys. And I’m even more thrilled that you’re actually managing to put out compelling GoT content in the off-season. Most Y/T channels try to do the same to keep interest up, understandably, but in their reaching too far for topics, the videos tend to fall flat. This, however, was EXcellent. (P.S. Suggestions until Westworld returns: Mr Robot, Vikings, Man in the High Castle. So much fodder for analysis in each, and all in keeping with Nerd Soup’s fantasy/sci-fi bent. Just my two cents. Keep up the good work.)

  6. I am concerned that S8 will end up being like 10 lbs of crap in a 5 lbs bag… just a huge mess. They have so much ground to cover in 6 episodes, even if they make them all around 90 mins like I've heard. I have a feeling that in order to make this work they're going to have to introduce new characters last minute, and there's going to be some sort of stupid deus ex machina resolution to everything. If they pull this off without turning everything to garbage I will be pleasantly surprised.

  7. Ending – John Dannys baby AKA the prince who was promised, AKA Light bringer, AKA THE child of Ice and Fire, which in my opinion is what the Night King has wanted the entire time. Also got a hunch the baby will have Red eye's AKA The Great Other!! Bitter Sweet, this definitely is good enough to warrant a video from who better than yourself, Shout out to Lee Teasdale at the beginning of the video Please, love your work, the content is amazing, I always enjoy all your video's. Thank you for all your hard work!!


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