

  1. Ned is my favourite character but he made a lot of mistakes here. An already on edge relationship with The Lannisters was made worse by his actions. In the books theres very little evidence shown by the Riverlands "farmers" its debated if they even were from the Riverlands. It was strange that instead of going to their liege lord Hoster Tully, Neds father in law, they went all the way to King's Landing. Another mistake was sending Beric Dondarrion, Loras Tyrell volunteers to take troops and capture The Mountain, but because he's mocked by Baelish Ned sends out Beric, depleting the number of Stark men in King's Landing.

  2. In the name of " James Robert " First of my name lord of Texas and
    warden of the south. I charge Arya Stark to bring justice to the false
    president Donald of the house Trump. I denounce him and strip him of all
    titles and sentence him to exile in Mexico.

  3. ned figured out everything about the lannisters just imagine if him and robert was alive..lannisters is probably gone and all these conflicts that made the story interesting wouldn't have happened, game of thrones would have been like a dysney fairytale

  4. I would just like to point out that it is fucking impossible to get from Casterly Rock to King's Landing in a fortnight. Eddard Stark basically just condemned Tywin, similar to how Catelyn single handedly started a war and no one blames her.

  5. Ned wasn't that stupid with this move. He knew that Tywin wouldn't have taken a huge risk just to save one of his many vassals. Ned just didn't know that this was part of Littlefinger's plans and that Robert would die soon.
    Had Tywin declared war for a petty thing like this, it would have been something like this..
    The North: About 20,000 men
    Crownlands: (King's Landing, King Robert) Maybe 10,000 men? Not stated very clearly anywhere.
    Riverlands: Not sure, but probably they could raise 10,000-20,000
    Vale: (likely to stay neutral) 8000 knights?
    Reach: 80,000 men + ships
    Dorne: (likely to join to get revenge on Tywin) maybe 15,000-25,000 men Not sure at all, but they did beat the dragons once!
    Stormlands: (Renly, Stannis) Easily over 10,000 men + Lots of ships from Dragonstone
    Total: 150,000-200,000 men + more than enough of ships
    60,000 men + some mercenaries he would probably hire at this point
    Total: Max 70,000 men (Would probably at this point lose support of his vassals and reduce the size of his army)

    Even the mighty Tywin couldn't have won that by sword. Simple politics.


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