A mashup of fans reacting to the final scene of Game of Thrones 1×09.

This is a transformative work under youtube’s “Fair Use” policy. It uses the juxtaposition of clips to provide a commentary. Full credit is given in the playlist I have linked to in the description and annotations of this video, and to relevant production companies.

Individual reactions playlist:

Royalty Free Music: Coyote Kisses – Six Shooter



  1. welcome to the real world. Nowadays they just changed their names to politicians so people would not go on a witch hunt. But make no mistake… you are still being ruled. You are still peasants. Every once in a while they just change the verbiage. Now you're citizens. But eventually, tomorrow… EVERYONE SHALL BE KINGS & QUEENS of their own lives!!!

  2. I think that this death is really different from others in other shows, usually people cries, they're sad or angry, but in most of the reactions here, they don't know how to react, they can't believe it. that's why I like Game of Thrones, and Ned Stark's death was the first one where people was surprised as he was the main character. Personnally, even at the last second, I was prty sure he would survive… (But after all, it's Sean Bean eh? What did you expect? xD)


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