SEASON 7 SPOILERS! Game of Thrones season 7 casting, injuries, scenes, and set construction. Actor interviews. Big battles in season 7. Maybe an alien abduction. I lied about that last one.

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  1. night king! long live the nightfort! answer is varyes and kimvara concerning R'hellor and how the "chosen one" succeeds the prophecy and where are the packs of ice spiders the size of hounds!?!?

  2. Ever since it was implied that the knowledge about how to deal with the white walkers was in a book I've wanted to know about who wrote it, what the lore is, and how that info got passed down. Now with Sam at the Citadel I really want to see where this dusty tome has been hiding.

  3. I really want to go to the con but I think I'll be in Sweden 🙁
    Anyway, I'm excited about Olenna Tyrell! Margaery was my favorite character but she can live on through her grandmother's vengeance. Also, I can't wait to see what sassy things she'll say!

  4. at least 100 Danys…. I think half the women there will be Dany, the other 1/4 will be Melisander, and maybe the remainder might be minor characters. I just think that the Bright white hair and purple eyes are just the biggest visual cue. Plus most fangirls want to put a baby dragon on their shoulders. I hope there will be some Arya or Cersei cosplay.

  5. I'm most looking forward to seeing Cersei's arc now that she's lost all her children and Jamie possibly hates her now. It'll be interesting to see her unhinged with nothing left to loose. (Please go full Mad Queen… Please go full Mad Queen… Blowing up the sept was already so sweet!)

  6. First off, Rawrist, I love your vids. Second off, i have this theory. Jaqen H'ghar is actually Rheagar and thus he's been in the show the whole time. Do you think this could be possible????

  7. Although I'm sure that Arya Stark will complete her list of assassinations, my most waiting for event is watching Tormund Giantsbane finally make a move on Brienne of Tarth and find out just how she kicked a wild bear's ass when she shuts him down. Then as an aside, (not going to happen) but to discover that not only is Tormund hot for the swarthy but genteel warrior, but word has reached Sandor Clegane that another may steal the heart of the only warrior ever to defeat him-whom he is startled to learn he is in love with; and also Cersei Lannister has turned the attention of her Mountain menace Gregor Clegane to the Lady Brienne as well. Soon we have a fight to the death between the Mountain, the Hound and the Wilding! Know it's not gonna happen but damn wouldn't that be wickedly tense and exciting?!?!? And then heat it up a notch when the Lady in question joins the battle for she will not be ruled by the winner! Hot damn!

  8. I am most exited about seeing Arya's storyline progress (will she go further into darkness or towards the light seeing her brother and gendry?) and how Jon and Sansa will dance around any lingering feelings of awkwardness/betrayal and handle the ruling of the North.

  9. You think there's a chance that the plan for Arya all along was to carry out a faceless man contract on the Freys ? I was thinking maybe Talisa's family took out the contract. I was also thinking that we'd see all the sell swords that abandoned Stannis again either with Griff or on behalf of the Maegyr family getting revenge on the Freys, Boltons, Lannisters for killing Talisa and her unborn child

  10. You are a cool chick! Keep up the good work the sarcasm is great for your attitude. I want to know when the next freaking book is coming jeeze. I want Jamie to murder his evil sister. And very curious for ary and tyrions fate.

  11. You should go as Cersi and have a friend ring the bell as you walk around and have her ringing the bell saying shame! shame! This way you don't have to look around for a costume.


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