Talk about a menace to society.

Whether Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen can stop the Night King remains to be seen, but we now know at least one group for whom the White Walkers’ fearsome leader is no match: Norwegian police. “Our night watch has now apprehended the man to deter any further criminal activity on his behalf,” announced the Trondheim police force in a Facebook post that has since gone viral and delighted “Game of Thrones” fans the world over.

The Night King’s crimes, like his followers, are legion: “The police have received many complaints about a man from the northern region involved in criminal activity,” reads the same post. “Complaints include animal cruelty and property damage (there have been reports of a wall being destroyed), as well as threats to lay vast areas of land desolate.”

Our friends to the north weren’t just in it for the laughs, however. “Funny posts like this one help engage social media users,” Markus Ree, superintendent of Trondheim Police’s fifth division, told Newsweek of the gag. “That’s useful when we later ask for help solving crimes or searching for missing persons.”

And though the Night King’s fate in our world has been sealed, whether he’ll be killed, captured, or crowned in “Game of Thrones” itself is less certain. Six IndieWire staffers recently gave him a 33% chance of survival, with two predicting that he’ll live and four predicting he won’t. Whatever the case may be, there are only five more episodes in which to find out — and with many fans speculating that next week’s 82-minute episode will feature the long-awaited Battle of Winterfell, it’s possible we’ll know even sooner.

Another question mark surrounding the enigmatic character is his connection to Bran Stark, now in full-on-weirdo mode as the new Three-Eyed Raven, who has seen the undead monarch in visions — and who some believe, however outlandishly, might actually be the Night King. How that would work is difficult to say, but stranger things have happened in Westeros.

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