We recall our favourite zingers from the Queen of Thorns, Olenna Tyrell. Beware of spoilers!

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  1. She's so savage! I'd like to see a spin-off show of her locked in a room with Lyanna Mormont, The Hound, Bronn and Tyrion and listen to all their sarcastic quips and sassy one-liners for hours. It would be entitled "Game of Sass"

  2. Loved that lady, a perfect granny. I liked Tywin Lannister too except that he was a prick to Tyrion. But The Hound and Bronn are pretty much my faves' . hell i love them all. (not Geoffrey or that other prick Ramsey) great series. I think a huge movie is in order.

  3. I wish she could go around Westeros & Essos and just sass every single GoT & SOIAF characters.

    Danerys, do you enter by riding dragons to have people look past your dull naive sense of idealism ?

    Jon Snow, oh the white wolf,
    Looks more like a mopey stable boy that my grandson would like in his chambers

    Night King,
    You should have the decency to speak when talking to a lady. All the army of the undead and yet no common courtesy.


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