Game of Thrones panel at the Tampa Bay Comic Con on August 24th, 2013. Featuring Game of Thrones cast members: Maisie Williams (Arya Stark), Jason Momoa (Khal Drogo) and Rory McCann (Sandor “the Hound” Clegane).



  1. 13:17 Jason reeling back from the shock of the coincidence of Rory wanting to be Poseidon. During this time, Jason would have already have accepted the offer to be Aqua Man. Only he, the casting director(s) and director would know about Jason being Aqua Man.

  2. I have seen all the comic con panels and this was my favourite, Maisee Williams who is always awesome. Jason Momoa who was just brilliant and who was clearly enjoying his drinks and of course Rory McCann who is amazing. Great panel

  3. Jason came across kinda like a duche bag here honestly. With the whole "yea yea sweetheart whatever you say, I'll see u later" attitude towards people asking him questions. Very dismissive and douchey, like whatever I'm hella good looking and don't need to answer your dumb questions.


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